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Artist Info:
Dr. Greta Maria Von Schmidt<br />
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The RED Medic's Assistant.<br />
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Age: 32 years old.<br />
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Personality: A fun loving gal that just wants to help people no matter what the cost.<br />
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Talents: Healing people, preforming surgery, quick with a knife, and singing.<br />
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About: Greta was born and raised in Vienna, Austria 32 years ago, ever sense she was little she was always interested in the human body. In fact she even learned how to read just by looking at a book that told about the human bodies that had a lot of pictures in it. Her favorite field of medicine was of course surgery so when she was old enough she became a trauma surgeon, then worked at a hospital for 6 years. Unlike most doctors she was a firm believer in bed side manner and even played music so her patients would feel more comfortable. However, she got fired because she saved the life of a poor German boy called Hans instead of the Governor of Vienna, and his wife made sure that she would never get a job, let alone a interview at a hospital, and because she spent such a large chapter of her life on medicine, she couldn't get another job. So she joined the RED team in order to support her family back home, and is currently doing a 5 year contract, making sure that she doesn't die and her patients live.<br />
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List of Gear:<br />
Main Weapon: The Crusaders Crossbow<br />
Medigun: Stock Medigun<br />
Melee: The ubersaw - Avg. rating:
- The Perfect Rock
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