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Heya! biggrin <br />
Well, my name is Rebecca, but my family calls me Boo--and several other not-so-nice names sometimes xD--and my friends call me Becca. I'm 13. smile <br />
I don't have a boyfriend, but I wish my last one was still mine. The only reason he's my ex is because my dad broke us up. But that is a whole different--very long--story.<br />
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Family.<br />
I have two sisters. One is a half sister, her name is Jamie, and she's 21. The other is my real sister, her name is Ashlan, she's fourteen, and she lives in Texas with my mom, Lila, and my step dad, Derek Irwin. I live in Arkansas with my dad, Travis. Jamie lives with her mom.<br />
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Friends.<br />
I have a LOT of friends, but my BestFriend is Chico (Krystian Boch). My other best friends are Pixx (Justine Damron), Brandon, Madi-Bear (Madison Darr), and Allie-Bug (Allie Weeks).<br />
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Boyfriends.<br />
I have five ex-boyfriends. I only fell in love with two of them. They were, in order, Spencer, Kyler, Corey, Jay, and Cody. The two I fell for are Kyler and Cody. I'm not going to go into how they ended, cause that would take forever and this bio would get waayy more boring than it already is. razz But let's just say that I miss My Cody, and I wish I could talk to him more often. He's somewhere where I have to be on his call list for me to be able to talk to him.<br />
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Pets.<br />
Anyways. I have a dog that lives with me names Max/Maxie/Maximus/MaxiePoo/MaxiePad. Call him what you want, as long as it has "Max" in it. xD He's a Miniature Australian Shepperd and he's Adorable. biggrin I have two other dogs who live in Texas with my mom. Their names are Willy and Ruffe (roo-fee). My cat, Tiger, also lives in Texas along with my mom's cat, Oreo. smile <br />
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School.<br />
I currently have straight A's. I say currently..Okay, I'm not trying to brag, but I've had straight A's since I was in Kindergarten. Now I might be bragging: When I was in Kindergarten, I was reading on a third grade level. When I was in third grade, I was reading on an eighth grade level. Now I can read pretty much anything. smile <br />
<br />
Breaking School Rules. (PDA xD)<br />
School has been great. I love it. Everything is great except the teachers. I never get *Caught with PDA, and when I do, We find some way out of it. I've only ever kissed two boys--Jay and Cody. Jay was my first kiss, and I definitely don't regret it. It was perfect. biggrin Cody got my second kiss, my first "Makeout Session", and my first song I'd written to someone else and actually let them see it biggrin . ((iLoveyouCody♥))<br />
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MUSIC!!.<br />
I L.O.V.E. Music. It's my life. I have a band called The Violence Of Silence. You won't have heard of us because we haven't recorded any songs cause we want to get them perfect before the first record. I mostly listen to metal, screamo, emo, punk, alternative, indie, country, and experimental. Some of my favorite bands are Asking Alexandria, Bring Me The Horizon, BlessTheFall, Owl City, Three Days Grace, Good Charlotte, The Friday Night Boys, The Downtown Fiction, This Providence, He Is We, The Call Out, The Ready Set, and Panic! At The Disco. biggrin ♥ I LOVE Music smile <br />
<br />
Movies.<br />
I love comedies, romances, and horror movies. I love Underworld and the ones after it. My favorite movie is Pride And Prejudice smile I love the Saw movies and Triple X biggrin Well, I like a LOT of movies, so I'm gonna stop there. xD smile <br />
<br />
Life.<br />
Well, I'm learning a lot about life at this point, and I'm really glad. I need to know a lot more. I think that my mind is developing much more than it should be right now, and I don't know as much about life as I need to. I feel lost a lot, and I really have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I haven't an inkling about which choice is the right one to make, and whether I'm screwing up or not. I'm asking God for guidance, but this brings up yet another problem: I'm not doing too well with my faith right now, and though I pray, I'm not so sure that he's answering me. Even if he is, I have no idea how to look for his answers. I'm also too paranoid, so if he is answering me, I might shrug it off as a feeling that I'm looking into too much. I'm kind of just waiting for something to pop out at me, and help me figure out what I'm supposed to do. If you have any advice, feel free to comment on my profile smile Thanks smile <br />
<br />
Me.<br />
Well, Here's a physical description.<br />
I'm thirteen. I have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. I'm caucasian. I'm 5' 3", and I weigh 125.5 pounds. I know, chubby, right? xD I always wear the ring Cody gave me on the middle finger of my right hand, and I usually have silly bands on my right wrist. My style is a mix between Scene Kid, Emo, Just Me, and sometimes--not usually--kinda Preppish. smile You'll usually see me wearing my OSIRIS shoes, my Punk Rose's, or my Etnies.<br />
Here's a personality description.<br />
I'm nice to people who are nice to me. If you hate me for no reason, most likely, I'm gonna hate you. If you piss me off, I'll prolly just get pissed, then get over it. If you hit me or cuss me, prepare to have your face rearanged. I don't deal with drama well. At night, you'll usually find me in my bed crying, or asleep with tears on my face. I care way too much for people, and I fall for guys way too fast. If I love you, I'm never going to stop loving you. Yeah, if you stop loving me, I'll ask if we can be friends, but I'll leave you alone if you want. I write poems a lot and songs to get out my frustration with the world and my life, and I read all the time so I can escape my own problems for at least a short period of time. I'm a loyal friend, and if you tell me a secret, I won't spill. I don't do gossip, and I don't like the way most Preps act. I've been told by many people I'm Awesome. Sometimes I believe them, but if I'm in a bad mood, I'll deny it. I also don't think I'm beautiful. My friends and family and sometimes random guys tell me I am, but I just don't see it. I'm not doing it to 'get attention'. I just don't see it. I love my friends and if you hurt them, you better hide from me. I don't like it when I'm talking to someone and we're fighting and they start smiling. It just pisses me off even more. It doesn't make you look cool. It makes you a DA. Anyways. That's pretty much me. <br />
To all you Emo kids out there, Don't Cut!! The only reason I don't is because I promised three people that I wouldn't. I broke that promise once, and I almost lost my friend. Thanks for forgiving me, Brandon! smile I love you, Bro!<br />
Anyways, most people probably didn't read all of this, but I hope you liked it if you did. If you did like it, add me. We'll prolly be great friends smile <br />
Well, Buh-Bye! ♥ - Avg. rating:
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