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  • Artist Info: The Silver Nightmare. <br />
    In the past wars of the Earth a young man fought as no normal being, for he was something that the human race could not understand, bring fear upon his victims. Making them regret the day they decided to step on battle ground. Witness the wrath of The Silver Nightmare. For he will devour your blood and take your body as his puppet. Soon the king of the land grew fear towards his mighty warrior. So he decided to assassinate him, But little did he know, The young warrior already had a plan to dethrone his king. Moments past, from the distance of the peasants villages there a burning kingdom slowly collapse, No one but the Silver nightmare came out from that falling castle, feeding on the head of his use to be king. After the assassination of the king. The Silver Nightmare was heard of no more. The young man had vanished. <br />
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    " I am the final and only King..."<br />
    <br />
    Name: Pano <br />
    <br />
    Race: Redator<br />
    <br />
    Age: 24 (stopped counting after 500)<br />
    <br />
    Height: 6'5 ft<br />
    <br />
    weight: 145 lbs<br />
    <br />
    Body type: Slim / muscular <br />
    <br />
    Appearance: Avatar<br />
    <br />
    Attitude: Kind, Calm, and Serious<br />
    <br />
    Traits: Out bursting for interesting events. Has a hard time to express emotions. Caring for the need. Very curious.<br />
    <br />
    Weapons: One Blade revolver with a holster that contains twelve rounds, and a Two side medium Viking Sword. <br />
    <br />
    Ability: The Silver Flame. A flame summoned and created by the very energy using the life and source of life energy he contains, this flame can be used for small amounts, if over used the hosts body will burn with it. <br />
    <br />
    Bio: Pano is the First of the redator race to have fused with his host. most redator organisms rely on host to survive. Pano being slightly Superior than the rest of his species grew to become one with the host he was first connected too.<br />
    Pano grew in a kingdom with in a poor family, when he was 17 years of age he was off to get work to provide for his starving parents and brothers. <br />
    Before he could reach the near by town he was taken away by a group of strange yet beautiful men and women. He later awoke inside the kingdom as one of the soldiers for the king, he was changed there was something different about him..till that day pano was now one of those beautiful beings. Stronger, healthier and faster. He was the best of all the kingdom's knights. till the day the king became power hungry for more and more land. <br />
    The king was killed by the young man and after that he left to start his own family of the redators, soon after. Pano was now king. he had two sons. and so on. Till the day he exiled one of his mighty sons and regretted that event. Pano was clueless that his son was the end to his redator family. <br />
    Now pano roams the lands wondering what went wrong and getting to know and love new creatures. the past is gone and he has began a new journey to his immortal life.
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