• NoxxieKaye's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: I'm a succulent awesome creepy caper with a bad attitude and a twisted perception of reality. I enjoy long strolls on the street and taunting fish with red lasers. My past times include rummaging junk and stock piling paper. I once climbed a mountain then I came back down. There was once a time long ago, far away, in an apartment identical to this one that I slept with a feline on my face. True story. I consider Ovaltine the best thing to come along since hard drugs. Ill have a fine time but your time just ain't my bag, cat. Hit the music! Lets get down to something heavy and sweet that will make your head twist off. Livin' the life with a love and peace and I'm all sorts of dazed and confused.<br />
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    Here's to you.<br />
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    --Sincerely, or as sincere as I can get<br />
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    Pirate song
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