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  • Artist Info: Hey PPL! <br />
    I'm PatBack. You can just call me Pat or PatBack or Patricia w/e you feel like callin' me. XP<br />
    I'm very random, so randomness is excepted actually... NEEDED<br />
    Feel free to leave me a comment or pm whenever you like to know more about me. <br />
    Thanks to the ppl who has given me wonderful gifts!! I won't name everyone, but if u know it u know wat i'm talking about. ninja <br />
    PatBack Likes...<br />
    -MUSIC!! [music is my life]<br />
    -MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE saved my life [and lookin at pics of them... mmmmm...]<br />
    -dancing (classes or just random dancing ^^)<br />
    -drawing and art stuffeehh<br />
    -being nastayy!! lol jk <br />
    User Image<br />
    -being with my class whee <br />
    -Penguins and hamsterz! biggrin <br />
    -Japanese food (yummayy)<br />
    -taking random computer quizzes<br />
    -being violent<br />
    -hyperness, randomness, && BRISSKKK!<br />
    -singing (doesn't mean im so good)<br />
    -slapping ppl in the face.... or other places. lol jk. (or being slapped)<br />
    -anything on my interest section<br />
    -gaia, myspace, playlist, photobucket<br />
    -My best friends!! theresa, alana, elena, sabrina, tommy, nickel, alejandro, frankie, angelo, michael, joe =DDD iLUVyouALL!<br />
    -my "husbands" before and recently (nick jandro and frank)<br />
    -all my "kids" lol. (including frankie jr, bartholemu, lucas, natasha, and felica) (all this husband and kids stuff is from playing MASH)<br />
    -other ppl who are awesumm!!<br />
    -all my gaia friends!! friends and family <br />
    -GOD! LAA!! lol<br />
    -laughing!! oh yeah!!<br />
    -OMG!!! Gerard Way! Frank Iero! Mikey Way! Ray Toro! Bob Bryar!<br />
    -My phone..... (my life) lol.<br />
    -Ppl who don't care about shit!<br />
    -REDDD!!! (along with black and white) [all my school supplies are those colors >w<]<br />
    -texting! talking on the phone for hours, and IM-ing!! biggrin <br />
    -watching music videos on FUSE and MTV HITS!!! <br />
    -spongebob razz <br />
    -my many nicknames! (patty, tissue, patback, smilie, etcc.)<br />
    -being filipino<br />
    -literature and all tht shit<br />
    -cussing.... tiss tiss me. it just comes out.<br />
    -being close to ppl (ahhhh.....) [aka slow dancing]<br />
    -taking showers *raises eyebrows*<br />
    -HUGGING PPL!!!<br />
    -playing sports! (almst all)<br />
    -my GPA! whee <br />
    -getting high on markers. lol jk<br />
    -talkin in RANDOM accents!! (mostly british)<br />
    -SOO... im gonna stop here bkuzz i like too many things!! jst guess wht else i like... but im not tht predictable<br />
    <br />
    Patback dislikes<br />
    -the usual type of ppl tht others hate.... backstabbing, two faced, lying, snobby, biotches!<br />
    -ppl who say they're you're friend but they make fun of you and hurt your ACTUAL best friend<br />
    -ppl who make fun of ppl i love<br />
    -filipinos (even tho i am) teehee<br />
    -the kinda ppl who talk shit for no reason and steal our stuffeh!!<br />
    -ughh... science! and math..<br />
    -being bored (happens so much im prbly use ta it)<br />
    -being badly hurt (inside or out)<br />
    -PPL WHO HATE MCR!! gawd damn 'em.<br />
    -bugs that are the ugliest things and scare the crap outta me!!<br />
    -n0000bss!! cyberers!!... ewww back off bitches!!<br />
    -those fawking ppl who claim to like or be something that they don't know for shit!<br />
    -ppl who don't laugh or refuse a hug. <br />
    -learning. ughh...<br />
    -being called emo. (even tho i kinda am.. its different wen ppl say it)<br />
    -when someone doesn't keep their promises<br />
    -ppl who can't keep secrets *ahem* *ahem* JANDROO *cough* *cough* lol jk. i still <33 him.<br />
    -when ppl and my phone is shitting mehh!!<br />
    -having to see ppl put themselves down and letting others do it (stand up ppl!!!!)<br />
    -how sometimes the radio ruinhe song u like by playing it over and over<br />
    -when i feel like ppl are hiding something from me<br />
    -hearing my secret go throughout the whole class within a day<br />
    -many questions (they frusterate me)<br />
    -ppl who think that they're the shit and is the center of attention when actually no one likes em!<br />
    -uhmm... those mofo stalkers who copy what you do and try to look like you. (for example.... HAIR!)<br />
    -pollution (damn you factories)<br />
    -abuse of any kind<br />
    -when my gawd damn stuff act possessed and retarded<br />
    -OMG... drama!! Ahh.... "you stole my bf! yada yada! BITCH"<br />
    -getting wedgies! lol jk.<br />
    -THOSE CREEPERS!<br />
    -OKAY!! i hate a lotta stuffeh too... im just like that. >w< So ima stop here. <br />
    Okay.... that took up some of my time! shows that i don't have a life sometimes! and my phone died right now. lol.<br />
    Soooooo...... Here are....<br />
    <br />
    MY DREAM AVI'S!! or UMCOMING AVIS!! (so far) <br />
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    Fai D. Flowright And Mokona!!<br />
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    PENGUINS! ^_^<br />
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    I have to be be listenin to music everytime i'm on the computer.....belive me. =3<br />
    My Chemical Romance<br />
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    MMmm...<br />
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    <br />
    We Have Come to a Conclusion. So, Look Around My Profile, Listen to my playlist, and Have A Great Day!<br />
    heart dramallama heart dramallama heart dramallama heart dramallama heart <br />
    <br />
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    OHHMAHHGAWDD! i juss hadda.hahaha.MMMM.<br />
    <br />
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