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Artist Info:
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Welcome to my profile!<br />
<br />
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<br />
So I think I'm changing, for the better<br />
on my part, for the worst if you can't<br />
handle it. I'm done giving a fuck and<br />
always being the nice guy. I'm through<br />
with holding my tongue and holding<br />
back what I want to say to avoid hurting<br />
others. I'm going to be WHO I REALLY AM<br />
and say WHAT I REALLY FEEL. Prepare to<br />
get hurt, cause I'm not going back to who<br />
I was. I'm through with being taken<br />
advantage of, and always trying to be perfect<br />
for others. The new Anna is here bitches<br />
and she's loving it!<br />
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<br />
A little bit about me; My name is<br />
Anna, and I am 22 years old. I<br />
love playing video games. I'm a very loyal <br />
and honest person. I feel that being able<br />
to trust someone is the most important part<br />
in any relationship, so I'm very trustworthy.<br />
If you'd like to add/follow me on some<br />
other websites, here are the links!<br />
<br />
<br />
pezzei.tumblr.com<br />
<br />
pezzei.deviantart.com<br />
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<br />
So who's Anna you ask? Well, to put it short<br />
she's an amazing and loving person! I am kind<br />
of shy, but become a chatterbox when I open up.<br />
I am a very stubborn, but loyal person and<br />
I will defend myself and those I love,<br />
no matter who gets hurt in the process.<br />
<br />
<br />
I'm a gamer and have been since I was 4. I mostly play<br />
on xbox one, and wouldn't mind playing with my Gaia<br />
buddies, so you're free to add me, my gamertag is Seirye.<br />
I currently play a lot of Overwatch. I also play the Assassin's Creed and<br />
Fallout series, so add me!<br />
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<br />
I've also always been an artist, and just had the gift to<br />
draw. I have a ( closed ) avi art shop, but sadly I don't have as<br />
much of a passion to draw anymore. Maybe it'll come<br />
back, but it just kind of feels more like a chore<br />
than something fun to do. Sometimes I'll doodle at work,<br />
but it's still one of those things I don't do anymore.<br />
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<br />
As for my personal life, let's just say I've had it hard<br />
since birth, hard as in I really shouldn't be alive. <br />
As of now it's just a living day to day kind of life. On my days<br />
off I either relax, or go out to eat and hang out with my<br />
wonderful boyfriend of almost one year now.<br />
Other than that you're going to have to become a good<br />
friend to know more about me, which isn't hard! Just send<br />
me a comment or PM!<br />
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<br />
If you have any questions you can always send<br />
a comment or PM my way!<br />
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" Love is when you want a kiss and you get bit. " - Avg. rating:
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