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    So I love you, just call me Spike.<br />
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    anywhos, I've got a 'autobiography' I've worked up. So here it is...<br />
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    The story of 'Dr. Heat' (which, my loyal fans, you shouldn't confuse with Spike Wheeler...no...this is Dr. Heat...something that Spike Wheeler made up :3 *Spike feels so proud*)<br />
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    He's amazing, he's dazzling, HE DESERVES YOUR LOVE, yes that's right folks, act now, and you can love Dr. Heat for only 21 payments of $99.95(usd) <br />
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    no, seriously, that aside...I don't make people pay for my love, its free...(sounds of oohs and auhs) yes, I'm very generous...<br />
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    no I'm not a narc either, I just like to mess around, but down to seriousness...<br />
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    characteristics...<br />
    real name: Marcus Heat (yes...it was a coincidence)<br />
    hair: originally purple...but it can go aflame with his trademark superpowers, (which consists of packing a fiery punch, which has a scale which will later be discussed)<br />
    eyes:...blue...but he's been fired up alot lately...maybe I should tell him to take a wash cloth and WIPE HIS FACE. but yeah...(Spike is typing this)<br />
    height: 6'0 <br />
    weight: 140<br />
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    He is a profound medical doctor, that has sworn the age old doctor's oath to use his ability's for the good of mankind etcetera.<br />
    He can emit flame anywhere, on any part of his body...(oh...my....don't take that pervertedly folks). Likewise, the fire can range in intensity on a scale of 1-10, 10 incinerates, while 1 doesn't burn at all... and I know what your thinking 'fantastic 4' but I swear to you, Dr. Heat is different. His is a blessed flame, granted to him while he was working in the medical field for his 2nd year....off the Kilimanjaro mountains....he was learning up on specific medical herbs which only grow in this vicinity....What he didn't know was that...it was ditto with the animal life as well. He encountered beasts that we only know as folklore, unicorns, dragons, fairy's, nymphs..you name it...although they didn't hurt him, and he didn't mess with them. but one day a dragon lay injured; bleeding on the side of a cliff... and our hero Dr. Heat couldn't help himself.<br />
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    So he went to the dying dragon and asked "what has caused a mighty creature like you to fall in this state?". and the dragon replied "I fared a duel with a unicorn, thinking it weak....I should've listened to my elders and took caution, but my pride took ahold," <br />
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    The wound was deep and penetrating from the unicorns horn, and since it was a magical type creature, even the dragon was having a hard time healing. So, Marcus using his skillz at medicine went to work to fix the dragon up. and with time, luck, patience, and prior medical knowledge, managed to somehow save the dragon. After a few days he was able to move again and he flew off and left Dr. Heat there.<br />
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    A month later when Dr. Heat was on his way to return to America, a horde of dragons came and surrounded him. They blessed him with the gift of their fire abilities, so now he can wield fire like a dragon..(except it does burn his hair DX salon durem we go!)<br />
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    Upon finally returning home he expounded on his new powers and came up with the ‘healing flame’…it is said it can even cure cancer O_O. but he remarked ‘the right criteria has to be met’ and he said nothing more on the subject.<br />
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    His current status is happily single, whereabouts: unknown<br />
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    also, it would be good for the public to know Dr. Heat is not a superhero, he does not have a license to be a superhero, or proper training to be a superhero, although Dr. Heat does defend good works and of course not to forget, love.<br />
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    [please excuse the language]<br />
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