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Artist Info:
Ok!! About me huh? I'm a hyper, energetic teenager struggling through the difficulties of a newly discovered life. I'm currently in the process of building my own identity and finding a place where I belong. On Gaia is where you will find me being who I really am. I'm usually myself everywhere else I go too, but Gaia Online is like a second home to me housing all my interests and hobbies under one roof.<br />
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I think I may be run by determination and the belief that "If you try your hardest and really have the desire to do something, you'll succeed."<br />
The year 2010 served as a reality check for me. I realized that my childish dreams can not all be fulfilled, but I can still do everything I want to if I am truly up for the challenge. Currently, I am aiming to major in Physics. I want to understand the world around me, explain why a ball falls from mid-air and bounces back to approximately half the height it fell from. I still want to help the world around me, and my new understanding of the world will help me do it! Look out everyone! I'm coming!<br />
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If you are wondering how old I am, my age has been 17 years for a while now. I make up the younger division of Gaian citizens, I guess. However, I am definitely getting older and more mature. Don't worry, I try not to bite biggrin .<br />
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My Interests:<br />
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Favorite Animes/Movies:<br />
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Mangas: Naruto, Bleach, Vampire Knight, 1/2 Prince<br />
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Animes: I do not watch animes any longer; however, Avatar, on Nickolodeon catches my interest once in a while.<br />
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Movies:Transformers, Iron Man, Up, Pirates of the Carribean I, The Incredibles<br />
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TV SHOWS:<br />
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House (oo ahh)<br />
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The Daily News (O_O)<br />
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Music: (Note: My taste in music has changed, surprisingly. I'll tell you which year these songs were of interest to me.)<br />
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Owl City (2009): Fireflies<br />
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Rascal Flatts Songs (2009): Almost ALL of them o_o<br />
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Transformers Soundtrack(2009): Arrival to Earth<br />
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Nickelback Songs (2009): Be Somebody, If Everyone Loved<br />
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Rihanna Songs(2007-200 cool : Cry, Rehab, Unfaithful, Hate that I Love You<br />
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Akon Songs(2007): Blame on Me, I Wanna Love You<br />
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Jordin Songs(2008-2009): No Air, One Step At a Time, Battlefield<br />
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Jonas Brothers(200 cool : When You Look Me in The Eyes, Please be Mine, I Gotta Find You, Hold On<br />
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Well, That wrapped it up razz (Not Really!) There are tons more you can learn about me if you're interested. All you have to do is meet me for yourself. - Avg. rating:
Don't mind
me, I'm
just a stupid
narrator with
nothing better
to than to let
the world of
Gaia take - The Trial of ...
- Fiction
- 4 recent comments
I was listening
as I wrote
this. Oh, and
the narrator
could be
anyone. The
personally pre - The Guide to ...
- Fiction
- 0 recent comments
It's a
not. I just
came up with
this after
listening to
the song. - Lithium
- Fiction
- 1 recent comments
A conversation
that I know
will never
happen in
it would be
nice. - Part of a Con...
- Fiction
- 0 recent comments
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