• With the rise of the sun every morning and with the heavy blanket of darkness every night, the days passed on like a blur in the mind of a young high elf priestess. The woman known as Jovis would go to the church on time every morning, bless everyone who requested it and even those who were too stubborn to accept charity from the church, and left the building at various times of the late eve-early morning. It was rumored she was an angel or some sort of ethereal being, seeing as the lack of sleep never really bothered her and no one would deny that she was one of the more powerful beings of the Alliance. She was surrounded by powerful allies all in the same guild, their dark and golden tabards causing them to standout amongst the other mortals.

    It was just a shell though - just as everything was when it involved this woman. Walking through the ordinary fog of the canal district late at night, she would take a sharp turn into the Park District and rush into what would be a fairly large house in Stormwind. Within she was surrounded by hundreds of magical artifacts, several that were actively sought out by other mortals, but she walked past them to a table covered in documents. "How old am I again..." She muttered, flipping through the pages of a book, it's words unreadable by just any mortal.

    She would freeze up for a moment, ears perked back. Something... someone... With a quick twist of her ankles, she would spin around and in the same moment, unsheathe a fairly long dagger from within her robes. The point of the blade would stop less than centimeters short of an exposed neck, the only piece of flesh not protected by plate. "You aren't suppose to be here."

    "Father--" The younger girl would begin but the dagger was brought up under her chin and pushed upwards, shushing her.

    "None of that either." The priest murmured in an irritated tone.

    "General Cobaltaan wants to know how his mate is doing." The young one finally moved away from the blade, pulling off her helmet. Waves of auburn poured from the metal, resting around her shoulders and framing her face. "He worries about you, Mother."

    The priest tossed the blade towards the table and turned away from the child, walking away. "This is the first time he's asked..."

    "It has been several years..." The young girl followed after, her helmet being dropped next to the dagger. "He really longs for your return..."

    The words made her freeze up as she clutched the fabric near her legs, her robes bunching up in her fingertips. "Mother..."

    "I said none of that here!" Jovis raised her tone as she turned back to face the child. "You will return and tell him you couldn't locate me."


    "I said you will return and tell him you were unable to contact me." Jovis waved the woman away with her hand. "Now be gone, it has been a long night and I lack the patience to deal with a child." The woman would sigh and walk out the door, leaving the priest alone once more.

    Solitude once more... but for some reason this bothered Jovis as she walked around aimlessly in her home. For years she had lived here amongst mortals in the hope for something... anything... that would change her mind and send her back home. Nothing ever did though.

    With a heavy sigh, she'd grab her cloak hanging next to the door and wrap it around her body tightly, heading back out into the night. It would only be a few paces before she made it to her location, a dusty tavern hidden behind several other buildings. With a forced push, the wooden door creaked open and she slipped in.

    She'd take a couple steps in before a man caught her attention, sitting in the far back of the room with twenty or so books piled around him. "They don't see the dangers that lurk so close..." He muttered to himself, downing a shot of whatever poison he chose for himself. He didn't hold her interest for long as she sat herself down at her own usual stool, beckoning the bartender over.

    "Same as the night before?" The chubby humanoid would ask, a towel in one hand and a glass in the other.

    "And tomorrow night.." Jovis muttered, preparing to numb her mind once more.