• Emily quickly stuck the sword into the zombies' head, pulling it out right away and sticking it into another. All around her were the living dead, trying to feed on her flesh. So far she'd taken down at least fifteen, but there was practically a sea of them surrounding her. Emily, realizing she had no way out but to use her powers, paused in the act of beheading another zombie. She created a small force field around herself, and stumbled out of the mass of zombies, all of them still trying to get past it and to her. Her energy quickly drained with the use of her physic abilities.

    When she'd finally cleared the last line of zombies, she let the force field go and tumbled to her knees. She knew the zombies were behind her and that she only had seconds to get inside the old church she'd been heading to. So, Emily picked herself up and willed her limbs to keep moving. Only twenty more feet' she looked behind her and the zombies were about fifteen feet back. Ten more feet; the zombies were gaining on her because of her slow pace. Once she reached the church doors, she found it was locked. She pulled on the door; she knocked and yelled for someone to let her in.

    No one answered.

    "Shoot!" she exclaimed as the zombies came closer. Just as they were closing in on her, Emily noticed an awning. She climbed it swiftly, but one zombie grabbed her ankle. She screamed and kicked it in the face, making it fall down and take three others with it. While she climbed, she realized there was a skylight on the roof. She looked down once she'd reached it and figured it was a twenty-foot drop. Emily looked around and realized the zombies hadn't come onto the roof. "Zombies can't climb?" she inquired to herself.

    She took one of her twin swords out of it's sheath and - still exhausted - broke the window with the hilt of the sword. The glass shattered the ground, showering the benches and alters. She jumped down, landing agilely on her hands and feet. There was a slight tingling sensation running through her body for a split second, but it faded quickly. Emily stood up, and the next thing she knew, there were five guns, starring her in the face.

    "Say something," a voice commanded.

    "Get that gun out of my face," Emily said.

    "Good, she's human," a different voice responded. The person took of his facemask and smiled. He seemed to be only seventeen, four years younger than Emily. Yet still, anyone who had lived through part of this hell was a little bit more mature than normal people.

    "Yes," the first voice answered, "but she did open the window for those THINGS to get in, Ian." He took off his mask too, revealing a sour looking grimace and dark black hair.

    "Now hold on," Emily said, sheathing her sword. Her breathing was still uneven from using her powers, "Don't you think I would make sure they couldn't climb before I exposed this place to them?"

    "Yeah, and you saw what she can do, David!" Ian exclaimed.

    "If you ask me, I think it's more unsettling. Knowing she can do that kind of stuff," A woman who had just taken off her mask stated. She a long, graying, brown hair, and her eyes were fierce with doubt and suspicion.

    "Well, no one asked you Gina," A young girl said, taking off her mask as well. She seemed to be only seventeen or eighteen as well and had platinum blond hair.

    "What do you think, Michael?" Gina asked.

    "I think-" the last person, Michael, started to say.

    "Wait, I just need somewhere to stay for one night. I won't be staying for long. So there is no reason to get into a debate over me," Emily interrupted. "And what did you see me doing out there?"

    "Why, we saw you slicing up zombies and creating that weird force field thing!" the young girl exclaimed.

    "Great," Emily sighed sarcastically. "I'll leave first thing in the morning, I promise." With that, she walked away.

    "Wait!" the young girl and that Ian boy called at the same time. They both started running after her.

    Emily walked to one of the benches under the skylight and lay down with her hands on her stomach. She sighed as the two young people and the man named Michael came over and sat on the bench to her left. "At least tell us you name and why you're here," Michael reasoned. Emily's short brown hair fell straight back as she sat up.

    "I'm Emily, and I came here to escape the zombies that want to eat me," she lie back down.

    "Okay, I'm Michael. This is Yvette and Ian. Those two over there are Gina and David," Michael told her.

    "Cool, can I sleep now? I'm kind of tired. You know, with the hacking up zombies and creating a force field and all," she replied.

    "Oh, sure," he said, getting up to walk away. "You don't have to sleep here, you know."

    "I want to," she told him, "it looks pretty."

    "Alright, goodnight then."

    "Goodnight Emily!" Ian and Yvette said in unison again. They looked at each other and laughed.

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