• "Niiro Uwabari no Hatsu, is it?" she asked, rubbing her bandaged arm. "Dosn't that mean eight of the red coats, or something?" she said, scratching her head. "Yes, now nine." the blonde said, smiling. "I'm Negimaki San" she said, holding out a pale hand. Laren laughed and cocked a eyebrow "Like, Negimaki-san?" she asked. "No, no, no, no, no. San as in three. We all have a number, in which from lowest to highest in skill and intelligence." she said, giggling. "Oh..." she laughed a bit.

    The blue haired male bowed as the other walked over and stood behind him, making a odd, dark circle around Laren. "Uhm, space? Heard of it?" Laren squirmed, groping around for her gun once more.

    "Eh. Sorry, Laren." giggled Negimaki. The others, looking quite a bit older than her. "If you don't mind, I've got a bounty, and I kinda need to get stuff done..." Laren gulped, scooting away and getting her gun. "You're gonna leave? awh." Negimaki pouted, and then gasping as a older female pushed her out of the way.
    "You can't leave in your condition, you know. It's not safe." she said, her silver hair and wolf ears twitching with a slight breeze in the room. Her gold eyes stared through Laren coldly.

    "I can go if I want, thank you!" Laren said, rasing her voice. "You are not my mother, lady." she said, narrowing her visible eye.
    A small dagger challenged Laren's gun as she held it up as a sheild.
    "Watch it!" she screamed at the woman.
    "Linnelle, stop that nonsense right now." said a voice, as a older man with gray-ish hair came upon the two.
    "Fighting with a possible future ally is foolish, as high a rank as you are, I'd figured you know that by now." she scolded.

    "Okay! I don't know who, or what you people are after or in for! But leave me out of it!" she yelled, snatching off her eye patch.
    oh no.
    Her left eye glowed a orange and yellow, her left arm busting from it's bandaged cover and growing monsterously, her hair flew rapid and wild, as a few marks grew into place on her body.
    It hurt, alot, but at the same time, felt good. She fought it, and lost, her voice becoming as raspy as MeMe's.
    "I advise you not screw with me!" she growled.