• It was a safe-place, a haven, a shelter from man. But the dragons were smart and knew it couldn't last forever, yet knowing this did not help as they were helpless in the advances man had made since the dark ages and all they could do was lie in wait to be found, tested on and slaughtered.
    Although the dragons were a noble race, rivalries existed among the clan, like the clan leader, Eldareth and the one he had beaten to the throne, Derkovis, who was forever trying to undermine him with pitiful excuses, Eldareth knew that when he died Derkovis would take over, he shivered and decided to learn into the portal to check they hadnt been found, it was all clear like always, except a couple of stranded hikers, suddenly his thoughts trailed off and he got pictures things that weren't there, he was having a premonition.
    Eldareth leaned back from the portal and sighed, if his powers as a seer were correct, they did have a chance, they would be save by a girl, but how? If his great race could not defend themselves, how could she help? So, he decided not to tell the clan, which later proved to be one very bad mistake...