• rofl
    "Get off of me!" Rukia was practically knocking him off of her. His foot had accidently went to the very sensitive area and she was so enraged. Her cheeks were flushed and it seemed that the night was going to last forever if the snow storm was not going to quit. Ichigo was asleep when it happened so this was a rude and ambaressing moment. Rukia was already on her feet, ready to smack him but a sudden fever crept on her and she fell into his arms. "Rukia?" She was dizzy and could see the worry in his eyes. Her lips shuddered and this impulsed him to kiss her. heart
    Her eyes were filled with tears. She realised why she felt so hot, she was ready to make a move not knowing it but he had done it first. Without realising the snow storm had ended, they made love for the first time. The heat, the love kept them both warm through out the night.
    Kiss kiss.... ah ah...
    "Another night!" The morning came. She tugged his ear gently and smiled handsomely but with delicious devilishness. "Yes!" He grabbed her around the waist and kissed with the raw passion he had for her last night. "Lots... lots more nights!" She Smiled too with a shyness and her eyes sparked with a new kind of fire that he had hoped for, for so many nights.