• A silence. A silence so eerie and awkward that it would make god himself stand still. Then, the scream. The scream of the late siren so loud and horrid that it would make the creatures of the deep blue hold their ears in agony. Then, panic. A panic so chaotic and out-of-order that when residents were scrambling up the hills away from the coast with the belongings that they had time to save, they kept tripping and falling as they made their way through the numerous roots and rocks in the path of their destination. Then, a roaring sound, a kind of sound that if you heard it, it would rattle your spine and shoot fearful adrendaline throughout your body, and freeze you or cause you to panic and flee. And finally, the water. A monstrous wall of water rushed up the beach, consuming the parasols, food stands, and obliterating anything else in this rampaging monster's way. The monster then would crash its way through the village at the base of the hills, breaking into buildings to steal and destroy what lied within. The surviving townsfolk, now at the top of the hills, watched in horror as their homes were defiled and mutilated by the monster wave, their feelings full of sorrow and their thoughts empty except for the word, why?