• A piece of Fan Fiction~

    The cold night air, frosty as it was, whipped at my face. I looked around the darkened area, the bushes across the road were moving in a slight eerie way,
    sending chills up my arms causing goosebumps. I could hear the town people scream as they ran in all kinds of directions around me. Panic rushing,
    making my blood boil as I ran through the croud, dodging this way and that towards the black-hooded figure who was the only one who was standing
    calmly, he had a rose in his hand. The odd thing was the way his face contrasted with his clothing, it all seemed to fit though. Pink hair, red eyes, rose in
    hand, nicely tanned skin with a little blush. A perfect man for anyone, though why was he standing so calm? And the most oddest thing was that he was
    holding a tall, pink scythe behind him. About three feet taller than his height. He seemed to have a smirk acroos his face as helpless townsfolk ran past
    him, confused just as much as I am. The creatures were the cause of all this. It was unlike anything I had ever seen, small an black with piercing yellow
    eyes, them looking at you made you feel like all hope is lost. Like darkness engulfing the light within you. They scared me a lot, though I seemed not to be
    the one running away, instead, I was the one charging at the guy who looked to be the cause of all this. "What are you doing?" I asked as I ran towards
    him, his expression didn't change though his smile widened. He ignored me and carried on observing the chaos at which he was making, that mad me
    slightly irritated. "Hey, I was talking to you!" I jumped up right infront of him, his floral scent covering my nose with a beautiful scent of rose. His smile grew
    smaller but he still wore a smile, he made a swift movement of his scythe, bringing it up into show a bit. Probably to warn me in some way. "And what is
    this incolent little brat doing here?" He said, as if continueing a sentance that he had already began, he tilted his head a bit towards my direction and his
    smile grew. I couldn't decide on if he was talking to me and if it were a rhetorical question or not. Though my question was answered when another man
    stepped out of the shadow behind the brick wall which was behind me. He wore the exact same clothes as the person standing right infront of me but his
    hair was a different colour, a light shade of blue. He looked a slight it rough as he had two red scars on his face which criss-crossed right above his nose
    and inbetween the deep blue eyes. "Just get rid of this one so that we can continue, Marluxia." It was the other hooded figure talking again. He gave me a
    stern look as he made it swiftly to the one supposedly called Marluxia. "Shall I do the honours?" Marluxia gave a small nod and smirked, I was trembling in
    the spot. I hadn't planned them to be thugs and I hadn't planned for him to be here with others. The blue-haired man then swiftly brought up his weapon
    which was far stranger than a scythe. My heart skipped a beat as his ice cold blade touched the tip under my chin, holding my head up so that I could
    barely make out anything. The blade actually rattled, I was shivering so much. "Get it over with then, Saix." Marluxia commented, watching the blue-haired
    man's little stunt as it were. Saix then smirked and lowered the blade, my heart fell as he did so. But I underestimated of the movement he made, it was
    as if in slow motion that the blade was darting towards my throat. With no other actions to undertake I just flinched, my arms spreading out over my face
    as if to cover from what would be my death. Memories spread through my mind, the loved ones I would have missed, the life I would never lead. As if all in
    slow motion I stould there still. Any moment now could be the blade cutting into my neck, the pain releasing. I waited, and waited. "What?!" I opened my
    eyes slowly to see Marluxia stepping forward and Saix sprawled out across the cold concrete. Infront of me then was a boy, his hair definatly gave away
    that he wasn't from around here either. His eyes were a deep blue and he wore the most interesting clothes. Blue and sort of a one piece clothing with red
    pockets and yellow crosses as decoration. What caught my attention the most was the blade he held. Long, looked a bit like my house key. Just enlarged.
    It had a chain hanging down of the handle of which was in the shape of mouse ears and face. The most oddest thing I ever did see. This evening was like
    no other, I can assure you of that. My heart raced, thudding against my t-shirt, I was surprised that no one could hear it. A mixture of relief and again the
    curiousity flowed through. Who was this guy? It was quite clear already that he wasn't a bad guy. "It's you!" Marluxia shouted, coldly staring at the boy. The
    blush in his cheeks rising as the boy smiled, "who else would it be?" He asked. I looked between the both, "your part of the Organization." The boy
    commented, he also had a blade at which he swung up from his side and pointed it straight at Marluxia. "What. You don't remember me?" Marluxia asked,
    opening out his arms as if to be hugged by our new guest. "Remember? Of course not!" And at that moment I saw the two blades clash with a gleaming
    light that left me terrified, yet again. Still curious. . .