• Slowly walking through the cave, darkness enveloping me, I stop. I turn my head slightly to the left. Listening. I thought I heard a slight shuffle. Perhaps it was just my imagination, but still I take no chances. I light up my staff and as I do I see what had made the sound; two monstrous trolls. I have to look up, for they are about 9 feet tall. They are about 15 feet from me.
    They start walking towards me in tandem, as if they are attached somehow. I draw my dagger and ready my staff for battle. I jump back and get into my stance.
    They are moving faster towards me. They lunge at me as they swing a huge cudgel. I duck and thrust my dagger into the troll on the left. It squeals in agony as it plunges deep into it's belly. I smirk and swing my staff into it's face. It's legs buckle and falls to one knee. the other staggers as it's counterpart struggles to regain it's footing. I see now that they are actually attached by a piece of skin about 3 feet long.
    I help them out and cut the skin binding them. They both roar in pain and anger. I laugh. Before they can recover, I'm climbing on the troll I had started attacking first. I get onto it's shoulders and I plunge my dagger deep into the monster's skull. It staggers, then falls to the floor of the cave. I glance to my left just to see the troll's brother swing the huge club. I roll away then jump to my feet. I aim my staff at the beast and incite the ritual.
    Flames suddenly burst out of the staff and set the troll aflame. It screams in agony and quickly runs past me. I watch as the light from the flames diminishes into the darkness. I spit, and continue further on into the cave, hoping to see the light of day again.