• Helena stood there, robbed of speech. She couldn't comprehend what was happening right before her eyes. The boy she had known all her life, who she'd fallen head over heels for, who was the only guy who had been her soul confidant since the third grade, was standing there. Except it wasn't him. He was as beautiful as ever, dark hair sexily veiling those pristine baby blue eyes, his profile the same one that always made her heartbeat skip when she caught a glimpse of it, his hands the ones that had felt so right when he'd lain them on her hips or cradled her face in them, even his name still the same one she'd had scrawled across her notebooks in various types of scripts. It was all perfec except for one big flaw. The girl his lips rested upon, the hair his hands were running through, the fingers that lingered along the nape of his neck, were not hers. Suddenly she found the power to speak.
    "No," she said to herself, shaking her head slightly in disbelief.
    "No," she said, this time at a normal voice level, the tears coming to the tempest of her eyes.
    "NO!" Helena finally screamed, and two pairs of eyes shot up at her, one angry with her for disrupting, the second ashamed of how she'd found them.
    Helena shot through the woods, running away from the sick truth she'd just uncovered, her beautiful face ruined with tears, snot, and redness. Twigs whipped at her face. She didn't care. all she wanted to do was get home and erase all traces of the boy she'd loved not more than five minutes ago.as she finally reached the outskirts of the woods and saw the big blue house that screamed the word "home" to her, she pushed herself harder to run, although she ached all over from the hard run to being emotionally broken. when she finally got to the door, she flung it open to an empty house. she darted through the living room and up the stairs running down the hall to her door, where a whiteboard hung from a nail. she erased the heart with her and her betrayers initials in it before she entered the room. if she was going to get rid of his existence to her completely, she'd have to be thorough. She alked straight to the opposite wall, painted perwinkle, though you couldn't be sure since it was completely dotted with pictures of him. She ripped them down, one by one with the pictures being stained with the tears that remained on her hands from rubbing them to her eyes. She spun around, directing her attention toward the bed, where she'd been using his favorite sweatshirt as a pillowcase.The sweashirt smelled of his slightly sweet, yet masculine, cologne that had always invited her in, a smell that now smelled sour and repelling to Helena. Helena looked up at the head board, where their initials were carved in he same way as on her white board. She scratched it off with her fingernails, breaking every single one of them in the process. She reached under her bed for a small shoebox that had once held the pair of clear flats he'd bought her at the mall, saying it was as close to glass slippers as he could get at the time for his cinderella. Helena had loved them nonetheless. Now the box had held all the love notes Helena and him had passed back and forth, things she wanted to forget. she took the box and searched for the shoes that had come in the box, shoving them in once she finally found them. then it occured to her she was still wearing his promise ring, and ripped it off her finger. the inside of the ring had an inscription that read "Forever Baby" and now seemed stupid to her. She gathered it all and grabbed her diary and notebooks with his name all over them off her desk. she could afford a few notes and memories. she took them all and shoved them all into a trashbag. there was a lot of space left in the bag. that was good. She needed the extra space.She left the house with the bag, but not before retrieving one more item.

    Helena finally arrived to the Victorian style house she'd always loved to come to since childhood. That is, until today. her pocket was now filled with the item she had grabbed from her house, but she sill ran to the rose trellis that led up to his window, the one she'd always used when she wanted to have late night chats with him, whenever she had insomnia and needed someone to charm her to sleep, whenever she had a terrible dream and needed someone to hold her and reassure her everything was okay. As she approached he window, she noticed it was open. Perhaps it was open to let the warm spring air in his tiny room, or perhaps it was open because he was hoping she would climb through and talk to him.Either way, she pulled herself through the window gracefully and lightly, as to not disrupt the sobbing mass of him in the corner, back to her, surrounded with pictures of her in various stages of life. the photograph ranged from pictures of him and her as young children, taken by their mothers, playing in one anothers backyards, parks, even Mcdonalds restaurant chains to pictures of her he'd taken himself, where he'd always manaed to catch her at the peak of her happiness, her smile more radiant than the sun, her hazel eyes sparkling with joy an merriment. These, she guesses, were the ones that didn't fit on his wall, since his walls were lined with her image. However, she'd come to oblitherate him from her life once and for all, and that was what she was going to do.
    "Hi," Helena said in the voice that made him fall in love with her in the first place.
    He spun around, face hot with tears, but eyes suddenly hopeful.
    "Oh my god, Helena. I'm so sarry. i don't know what-" his speech was cut off with the sound of a gun cocking.
    "I've come to eliminate your from my life entirely," She said in the same sweet voce as before.
    "Helena! wait, please! e can talk ths out, just give me a cha-" she cut him off again, this time with speech.
    "Forever, David" she said, quoting the rings inscription, and pulled the trigger, leaving David dead on the floor. She stuffed him in the bag, and replaced the pistol in her pocket. and she put David and the memories of him in a place where no one would ever find it.
    her home's furnace.