• ======Chapter 1:======
    Great, thought Kai, a highly intelligent, and highly apathetic highschooler who always seems to end up
    in the worst situations possible. Of course I would miss the bus, thought Kai,
    of course it would be raining when i miss the bus. Luckily, Kai had been sick recently and his teachers had already
    sent home all the work he had to do for the day, so he decided to take the day off. He needed it.
    Kai went back inside his house and up to his room so he could chat to whoever was online at the moment.
    As soon as he logged on he recieved a message from someone he had never chatted to before:
    "Hello Kai, I know that you stayed home today"
    Since the person knew his name, Kai just assumed it was one of his friends at school playing a prank on him, knowing
    that he would be home on the computer. They must have heard about me missing the bus... thought Kai.
    "Hello, who is this?"
    "It is a secret"
    "very funny, seriously, who are you?"
    "nobody.. nobody,you will know soon enough, there shall be a package on your door soon, wait five minutes and then check."
    Thats odd, and creepy... Why would any of his friends or anyone over the internet give him anything? Kai wouldn't give some
    stranger anything, so he thought this was very strange. Perhaps this is a girl who likes me (yeah right, its obviously a guy).
    "I am a girl"
    Kai stared that the screen... How would the person known what Kai was thinking
    "I can read minds"
    What?! i am so going crazy. I am seeing things or somthing...
    "you are not crazy, i am real, and need you" She messaged
    "then proove it" Kai responded. If she prooves this, then i have a mental disorder.. If she can't proove it I must be
    dreaming Kai thought, hoping that she couldn't proove it. He knew that dreams were too ilogical to allow her to prove her
    'power,'. <you have powers too> Kai heard in his mind. great, Kai thought, I have a mental illness... Schitsophrenia?
    hurray... now i get special pills and am skrewed for any useful jobs in the future. <I am real, i can proove it> the mysterious delusion said in Kai's mind.
    <You can't prove anything> Kai responded, hoping the delusion would go away.
    A girl materialized in front of him. She had short black hair, and looked asian, maybe? Not that her looks matter... Kai thought... She is a delusion.
    I can do whatever i want to her... <I am not a delusion>. <stop doing that> kai thought back, directed at her.
    "Sorry, i didn't realize it bugged you" the evidence of insanity said.
    "Want to get married, move to a nice house with padded walls with maids in white uniforms armed with Tranquilizers?" Kai asked.
    "what the heck are you babbeling about??"
    "If you are my delusion, I say we get married."
    "you are crazy"
    "You saying i am crazy is pure redundency..."
    "why would se get married?"
    "jeeze, i was kidding... delusions sure are annoying."
    "For the last time, i am not a delusion, i am real.. see i am here i can touch you, you can see me"
    "But how is that any proof that you are real? i could just be imagining all this."
    "But you are not, just believe me"
    "Believeing would be letting go of reality... whatever.. If i am crazy there is no helping it.. what do you want?"
    "I have been sent-"
    "of course you have, why though"
    "As i was saying... I was sent to tell you of your powers and to recruit you."
    "I get powers?" maybe being crazy wasn't so bad after all... Having fake powers beats analyzing literature every day.
    "You have latent powers, and i am here to help you make them active"
    "do you know how cliche this is? I mean, i have seen plenty of movies, read many books, watched plenty of anime...
    you would think i would imagine somthing les cliche... come on... Latent powers and you are my guide?"
    ... "Kai, will you just concentrait? I know you have ADHD, but this is serious."
    Kai thought for a little while on what he should do... Dive into insanity and delusions, or ignore her...
    Seeing as he had nothing else to do for the day he decided the first of the two options.
    "Right now, today, I am free, but if it will take longer than a day, send me somthing to study and we can train during summer break" he told the girl.
    I wonder what her name is, Kai thought, she is somewhat cute... a cute delusion, he laughed to himself.
    This guy is a waste of time, i cant believe I have to train him, thought Eve. He seems weak, useless, i could probaly easily
    destroy him, mentally and physically. He is also far too skeptical to ever truly train, but she was under orders, and would never dream of breaking a command.
    So, she had to convince this bigot he wasn't dreaming, and immediately start his training whether he had time or not.
    "I must train you now, and you must come with me for the training. Its not like i can train you here."
    "well how am i supposed to know that"
    "its not like you believe me, but you must come now, or i will use force"
    "yeah right"
    Eve swiftly pressed a few of Kai's pressure points and knocked him out.
    "That'll teach him.." she muttered as she scooped up his body off the floor and opened the portal that linked their worlds together and
    entered her world.