• Preface
    As we ran, my heart was pounding what seemed like a million beats per minute. Though, I'm sure it was the same for my angel running next to me. I was so stupid. All I had to do was let my father drink himself into an oblivion. But no. I had to open my fat mouth. Now look what I had gotten us into. I should have never brought him into this.
    The sweat was trickeling down my back now. I tripped as I was running, but he caught me. Just like he always does. I was searching frantically in the darkness for an escape or hiding place that obviously wasnt there. It wouldnt have mattered. HE knew this house just as well as I did. HE would find us. I saw flicker of fear on my angels perfect face.
    I had always had a feeling that he was going to bet the one who killed me. But love does stupid things to you. Sometimes monuementally stupid things. My green eyed angel had made things better for me the past few months. Look how I am to repay him. He will die by my side.
    The footsteps were getting louder as HE got closer. We had run out of time.