• On a late Saturday night, Naowa Misani was staring out the window of her grandmother's house, watching the lightning soar across the sky, listening to the sounds of thunder, watching the dark gray sky. Her grandmother came into the living room to check on her. Naowa turned around to see her grandmother next to her. "Naowa." "Grandma..." "Naowa, I know why you are so sad and depressed, I know why you're mad at the world, you're mad at the world because of your great grandmother, you're mad at the world because you think the world is mad at you, but don't think that way, I don't want to just watch you have a problem, I know that young man Marcus left a mental scar-" "No, Grandma you don't understand, I'm... I'm going in my bed room, if you want me I'll be in there, maybe if you just left me be for two minutes, I wouldn't have these problems." "But Nao-" "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" "Naowa...." Naowa ran towards the bed room. Her heart full of guilt, sorrow, and misunderstanding, without knowing of what to do, she is frustrated and confused,mad at the world because she lost someone she loves dearly,mad at the world because in her mind the world is mad at her, she thinks the world is trying to make her suffer the consequences of losing someone she loves dearly, without knowing the purpose of doing so, she is lost in her world is frustration. "Why do these things have to happen to me? why does the world hate me so much, why does the world want to put me through pain and frustration when I do nothing in the wrong, what is the purpose of it's actions?" said Naowa. And just like that, lightning struck a tree and then....absolute silence. "What? the cars stopped moving, everything...is...completely...quiet...?" Naowa ran to the livingroom in a rush only to see that her grandmother lie on the floor. Naowa burst into tears at the site of her grandmother. "Grandma...? GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She called the ambulance for her grandmother. "Hello? can I get the ambulance over at 1396 Eastern Street please?! This is an emergency!" "......." "Hello?" "......." "PLEASE ANSWER!!!" "....." "Ok, bye then." Naowa took her bike and rode to the hospital. "Hello please come to 1396 Eastern Street please it's an emergency." "......" The people shoved her out of the way and got into the truck and rode to Naowa's grandmother's house so they can bring her grandmother back to the hospital. "Is she ok?" "..." "Oh yeah, you guys don't talk." They nod their heads. "What's with you guys? I'm gonna go outside to get some fresh air, maybe you guys need some to, either that or some water." They nod their head sideways. "Alrighty then, call me if you need anything my cellphone number is 586-789-0998 catch ya later." They turn towards the bed that her grandmother lie on and started the operation. "Jeez, what's with those guys? they don't talk, I bet they don't have any friends, I mean what kind of people don't talk? I mean like, that's weird." Naowa walked outside. "What......the....heck...?" A nurse was sitting to her on a bench. "Excuse me but what's going on? do you know?" The nurse nod her head. "Do you mind telling me?" The nurse walked away. "Well fine then, I, I didn't need your help anyway, hmph." The world... its... completely...quiet...? WILL SOMEONE HELP ME!! I AM SAD AND FRUSTRATED AND CONFUSED! HELP ME!!! SOMEONE!!" "Quiet down little lady, I was trying to get some rest." "You...did you do this?" " Yes, y es I did." "What did you do... to my great grandmother." "Your great grandmother? what makes you think I did it to her?" "Because at her last moment...Her very last moment, everything became silent, and the same thing just happened to my grandmother...its...completely...UNFORGIVABLE!!!! GO AWAY YOU b*****d! I NEVER WANNA SEE YOUR DIRTY FACE AGAIN!!! NEVER!!!" "You can't call me a b*****d, I gave them what they deserved, they were too loud so I hushed them up by making them commit- "YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MANY LIVES AND INNOCENT PEOPLE YOU HURT!" "But I- "NO EXCUSES!! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY GREAT GRANDMOTHER, AND IF THE SAME THING HAPPENS TO MY GRANDMOTHER I'M DEFINETELY NOT GOING TO FORGIVE YOU EVER!" "But they were- "I don't wanna hear it... you should just go somewhere else, to where it's only you, don't hurt another person ever again, or I swear you will be sorry." "Ok..." "Now bring back the noise, bring back the world," "Fine." "Thank you."