When we arrived at a barren area Sailine stopped, "Here we are." I looked at her, "Come on," She grabbed my hand and led me to a huge weeping willow on the edge of the area.
"Okay, where exactly is the Valencia court?" I asked watching as Sailine let go of my hand and examined the tree.
She turned toward me and grabbed my hand once more, "Do you trust me?"
"Yeah, wh..." Before I could finish the sentence Sailine pushed me into the tree. Instead of hitting the cracked and decrepit trunk of the tree I looked at Sailine in horror as I disappeared into the tree. It all felt like slow motion I watched as she slowly disappeared into darkness. Before I was completely devoured by the tree I felt a tug on my hand then I heard the clattering of swords. After a few seconds I heard a loud thud.
I heard Sailine's voice once more, "s**t, she is too far in. We have no choice but to go into the Vosinth court as well."
I heard another voice that I decided to be the giant's voice, "I am sorry. I was so convinced that the selkie was you."
"Don't worry. Jaimie I am going to let go of your hand okay. Me and Ranis are going to follow you down, okay?"
"O...okay." I looked at where my hand went through the tree. Then I fell back and landed in a dark dank cave, "SAILINE?! ARE YOU HERE?!" I waited a few minutes and got no response. I started to walk toward a lighted area when something bashed me in the back of the head.
When I woke up I remembered nothing. Not who I was or where I was. And I heard people speaking, "Keep her companions away from her. Or she may...hush she stirring. Hello, Princess, you took a bad fall back there." I opened my eyes and saw a young man with long black hair and bright green eyes, "You were gathering herbs and one of your guards saw you get attacked by a woman and a giant," the man touched my cheek, his hands felt as cold as stone. I looked him in the eye and started to panic.
"Where is she?" I asked not knowing who I was talking about.
"What? Who are you asking to see?"
"I don't know. Someone," I grabbed my head trying to remember, "WHERE IS SHE?!"
"Princess, calm down. Do you wish to see your mother?"
"NO. I want to see HER," For some odd reason I was pissed at this guy. As soon as he touched me I just wanted to punch him in the face.
"Princess, calm down. Go back to sleep and all will be explained when you awake," I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep twenty minutes later the guy spoke. "This b***h is a handful I don't understand how the queen expects us to make her believe she is the princess of the Vosinth court. I know she was referring to that chick that attacked Prit and Besin when they were bringing her here." I clenched my jaw and rolled over, falling off the bed. "Princess!" The guy ran to my side and crouched down next to me, "Are you ok...YOU b***h!" He cried as he fell to the floor after I punched him in the nuts. I plunged my hand into my pocket and pulled out my switchblade and put it to the guy's throat while lifting him up.
"ANYONE GET CLOSE TO ME I WILL ******** KILL HIM! NOW TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" I pushed the blade against his skin and the guy started to scream in agony.
"SHE'S IN THE DUNGEON!" The guy screamed. I let the guy go and ran out of my room and down the hall.
I stopped running, "s**t, I should've asked for directions." I leaned against a door and it flew open. I fell backward, "What the ******** is your...Who are you?" I asked as a woman wrapped her arms around me.
"Jaimie it's me, Sailine."
"Sailine? Why does that sound so familiar?"
"What did they do to you Jaimie? Look, what have they told you?"
"Nothing. The only thing that I know is that they don't want me to meet some chick and that she should be in the dungeon. And that some guy is really pissed at me cause I punched him in the nuts and put a knife to his throat."
Sailine smiled and laughed, "Just like you. That's why I love you."
I looked at Sailine and gasped, "Your the one who I've been looking for," I hugged her and then looked in her eyes, "Who am I? What is going on?" I spoke softly.
"I have to tell you later now is not the place." Sailine grabbed my hand and helped me up. When she grabbed my hand I remembered Sailine helping me off the ground when I was half naked.
I pulled my hand back. "What the hell was that?"
"What?" Sailine asked sounding concerned.
"I just saw you helping me up when I was half naked."
"That was time I saved you from...being raped."
I looked at her and shook as I remembered, "My name is Jaimie D..." Before I could finish saying my name Sailine put her hand over my mouth.
"Shh...don't speak your name in public or it may be the last thing you say. Come on we have to get out of here."
"What about the giant?"
"He escaped. I told him I would save you and bring you to the Valencia court." Sailine led me down the hall I came from.
"THERE SHE IS!!" I heard a familiar yell. s**t its the guy I kicked in the nuts.
Sailine pulled me in the opposite direction, "This way." We ran into a huge room with a big black canopied bed. "s**t." Sailine said as the doors closed behind us. We turned around to see a young woman with unfathomable, unnatural beauty laying on the bed, "Dawn." I looked at Sailine then the woman.
"Ah, so you have returned to me. After, three years of refusing to serve me. Oh, and you brought me a gift how thoughtful."
"Excuse me?" I said looking at the woman. "What the ******** are you on?"
"Oh, she has a little fight in her. I like that. Now come here, girl."
"Girl? I have a ******** name, b***h."
"As do I."
"Jaimie, calm down." Sailine said touching my arm.
"Oh, so Jaimie it is. Come here, Jaimie."
"Screw you. I don't have to listen to you, Dawn."
"Yes, you do. Dear, Sailine, works for me. So, what ever is hers and I want she has to give it to me. So, Sailine, I want Jaimie, give her to me."
"You ******** b***h. I am sorry, Jaimie." Sailine walked me to the bed looking miserable.
"WAIT! Sailine doesn't own me. I am my own person. You can't control her. I am the one who is sorry," I looked at Sailine and whispered in her ear, "Sabrina Sailine Silence, escape."
Sailine looked at me then turned and ran, "SAILINE!" Dawn grabbed my arm, digging for long talon like nails into it, and drew me close to her. "What did you say to her!"
"I told her to escape." Dawn slapped me across the face, "I have been through worse. So go ahead and beat me. It doesn't matter."
"Aw, come here." Dawn pulled me toward her and hugged me. "I'm sorry. I lose my temper sometimes."
"Are you sorry enough to let me go?" I asked hopefully.
"Of course not. You are my new toy."
"Now let's get you dressed correctly. Celeste," Dawn called. A long lanky woman dressed in a dark brown dress with scars on her face appeared. "Dress her in black spider silk in the usual shape."
"What...Where am I going?!" Celeste started to drag me out of the room.
"Miss don't worry you are safe." Celeste led me into a room filled with fabrics. She started to grab at my jacket. I jumped back. "Miss, I need to measure you so I can make you a wardrobe. Can you please take off your jacket."
I took off my jacket and she started to measure me. "Why is Dawn such a b***h?"
Celeste looked at me for a second, "She was taught to behave that way."
We went silent for a few moments then I said out loud, "I hope Sailine is alright."
The woman stopped measuring me, "You know Sailine?"
"Yeah. She was actually here before you entered Dawn's room. I told her to escape though, and she did."
"You know she'll be back right. She can never leave someone here who doesn't belong here."
"I guessed that much. So how do you know Sailine?"
"I'm her mother."
I looked at Celeste, "Honestly, you look like her sister being how young you look. But I would've never guessed you were related."
"No faery looks alike or even similar."
"Oh, yeah I am kinda new at this."
"Yeah it isn't everyday a human gets kidnapped into the faery realm."
I laughed, "I wish. Me a human is just a distant memory,"
"You know you don't have to glamour yourself here."
"I figured that but I would rather glamour myself than have to see what I really am."
"We all wish that sometimes. I wish these scars would just go away. I am guessing you already know how I got them."
"Yeah. Most of the time she takes her anger out on me." Celeste said moving toward the bails of fabric.
I sat on a stool figuring it hurt Celeste to talk about it. Ten minutes later Celeste handed me a purple and black silk gown that was fit for a queen. I looked at her in confusion and she pointed behind a screen. I put the gown on and it slid over my skin as if it were a glove. I moved from behind the screen and Celeste nodded in approval then ushered me back to Dawn's room. "Ah, now that is so much better. Good job, Celeste."
"Now what do you want from me?"
"Put this on." Dawn threw a dog collar toward me, "So you can't escape."
"******** that s**t. I ain't no animal. So I sure as hell ain't putting that ******** collar on."
"Do you want me to put it on you, Darlin'?" Dawn stood up and walked toward me.
"Stop pulling on the damn thing!" I screamed as Dawn tugged on the leash. Yeah, she got it on me, took three guards and some kind of tranquilizer. Even if I ripped at the damn collar it still wouldn't come off. It is like the sixth day I've had it on.
"Then come here, Jaimie." She said with another tug and a smug grin.
I stood up and she tugged again. I sighed and got on my hands and knees and crawled to her, "Yes, Mistress Dawn?"
"Open the door for my guest." I looked at her in confusion when I heard a knock on the door, "Now don't let my guest wait."
I stood up, opened the door, bowed, and I noticed the shoes, "Welcome Madam, Mistress Dawn is this way." I stood up and led the woman to Dawn. "Mistress, I welcome your guest..." I looked up and realized who the guest was, "Madam Sailine." My eyes welled with tears as I sat down next to Dawn.
"Hello Jaimie," Sailine smiled, "Since when did you get so polite?"
I sat there in silence awaiting Sailine to address Dawn. "Now Sailine you know you aren't supposed to address my pets," Dawn said with another smug grin.
"Mistress Dawn, may I leave, please?" I said not being able to face the sight of Sailine.
"Yes, you may, Pet. Head straight to your room or I will have to punish you later." I stood up bowed to Dawn and then to Sailine. I wiped my eyes as I walked away. I walked to the door that led to the hallway and turned to the right and opened my door I sat down and looked at the black walls with the glimmering chains dangling from them. My room was Dawn's old torture room, how reassuring, right? I haven't been punished since my first day here, when I told Sailine to escape. And I only got a slap on the face, a tranquillizer, and a dog collar. I heard a knock on my door and a piece of paper slipped under it. I stood up and picked up the piece of paper.
I will get you out of here soon.
Don't let Dawn get to you she is trying to
break you. She did it to me as well.
I Love You,
I looked at the note and bit back tears. I heard my name called and tucked the note in my bra. I walked out of my room and sat in front of Dawn, "Yes, Mistress?"
"What did Sailine give to you?"
"Huh? Nothing."
It was the same routine for one month. I played servant for Dawn. I had gotten four scars from Dawn. Two burns, one on my arm the other on my hip; two cuts one on my hand the other on leg. All I wished for was freedom from this hell. I cried myself to sleep every night after the first scar. And I also treasured the note Sailine gave me; it being the only thing giving me hope. One day though Dawn got a little more physical than usual after I spilled something.
"IF THAT LITTLE b***h THINKS SHE CAN IGNORE ME SHE HAS SOMETHING ELSE COMING!!" Dawn grabbed me by the throat and slammed me into the wall, "IF SHE THINKS SHE CAN DO THAT LET'S SEE WHAT SHE THINKS OF ME BEATING HER GIRLFRIEND!" Dawn rose her hand and hit me in the face three times. I felt the heat emitting off the new welts. Dawn rose her hand to strike me again but as it came down I lost consciousness.
I woke up the next day in my room. The collar off and light on. I grabbed a chain and glamoured it into a mirror. I started crying at the sight of myself. I had bruises all on my neck, I had a gash going across my mouth, and there was a gash going across my forehead. I threw the mirror at the ground shattering it and then I broke my hand on the wall because I punched it. "That ******** b***h. I am gonna kill her a**," I said low enough so no one would hear. I wrapped a chain around my hand and glamoured it into a cast.
"Dear! I would like to see you." Dawn yelled in her calm yet fierce voice. I walked out into to Dawn's room and bowed, "Someone wishes to see you." I raised my head and saw Sailine. I turned away from her and hid my face under my hair.
"YOU ******** b***h!" Sailine stood up and charged toward Dawn. "You assured me no harm would come to her!" She said through clenched teeth. To be honest the time I asked for her name and she told me wasn't nearly as close to how she was pissed now. Sailine got in Dawn's face and continued to yell, "You ******** lied!"
All Dawn did was smile and say this simple sentence, "I said I wouldn't if she behaved."
Sailine stopped and looked at me. "Did you do something wrong, Jaimie?"
I looked at Sailine and saw Dawn's face turn stern so I simply nodded my head, "See she misbehaved so I punished her."
Sailine walked up to me and grabbed my arms, "Jaimie look at me. Show me your face. Jaimie just...please." I moved my hair out of my face with my good hand and tears fell from my eyes, "Jaimie...did she do that to your hand?"
I looked into Sailine's eyes, "No, I did that after I saw what she did." I said in a quiet voice.
Sailine looked into my eyes, "You have to stop being stupid."
Dawn watched us, "Jaimie, go get me a drink."
"What kind, Mistress?" I said turning toward Dawn.
"Fey wine from my cellar."
"I'm leaving Dawn," Sailine turned and as she passed me she whispered the words I was yearning for. "Jaimie Dana Grayson, escape with me." Sailine walked out of Dawn's room before me. When I walked out of the room Sailine grabbed my hand and we ran off.
- by The Original Syn |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/05/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: The Court of Two Queens Part 5
- Artist: The Original Syn
- Description: Another part for The Court of Two Queens. Vote and comment. I am sorry for the cussing once more. Read the first 4 parts of The Court of Two Queens. Thanks.
- Date: 01/05/2009
- Tags: court queens faeries
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