Crystals Of Winter, Chapter 1
((Authors note;For character look reference, please look at my avi (1/14))) Montegro crawled out of the snow, shaking wildly when he stood up, swishing his tail clear of the powder as well. "Darn! They got away..." He cursed, while pulling on his glasses to look around for his white furry friend. A yipping sound called out from above him, he looked up but couldn't see anything, he spun around a few times, but still nothing. "Evan!" He called out his winter fox's name, as a tail dangled in front of his face. "There you are!" He reached up, petting his friend before closing his eyes and holding out his crystalline scepter, pointing it down at the snow, as glowing crystals surrounded his ankles. He opened his eyes again, and stared towards the sky. "Where are you... Gestalt!"
--Meanwhile, in the air ship Gestalt--
A tall man stood in front of a console, he wore a white jacket, with black cross belts across his chest. His hair, and pants were also white, snow white, as a pistol that looked like no other rest at his side, hanging off his belt.
"Sie, is this... Montegro still following us?" The man asked with a stern expression on his face.
"No sir..." A medium height women called, as she tapped a button that caused a monitor to flicker out of existence.
"Good... How are Monty and Mond holding up? Heard they got hit pretty har-" He continued, checking up on his crew.
Sie interrupted him, predicting what he would say. "Mond is in critical condition and has been sent to the medical bay, Monty carried him in and is now resting on the couch watching the BBC."
"Ah..." He answered, spinning around and walked into the control room. "Take care of Mond, I'm sure Montegro will make another attempt at taking the Gestalt soon." He ordered, as the control room doors slid open. "I'll be resting up and recharging Accuracy until then."
"Yes sir." Sie said, as she turned around.
"And Sie..." He called after her.
"Yes captain?" She asked.
"Don't call me sir, makes me feel old..." He pleaded.
"What should I call you then?" Sie asked, giving him her full attention.
"Just call me by my first name, Lance." Lance said.
"Yes sir... I mean Lance." Sie struggled with the new concept before walking off again. The control room doors shut as Lance tapped the nodes above his ears.
"Any idea's Evan?" Montegro asked, tucking his hands under his arms. "Well look at me, asking advice from a arctic fox..." He mummbled to himself, looking around him, then back down at the crystals. He bent over touching a crystal that had a slight blue shine to it. His body was surrounded by a blue light as the land around him disappeared, and was replaced by cobblestone roads, and city-like houses. Montegro reached up, taking his fox into his arms. "Safer off my head, buddy... Especially in a city like this..." The streets were freshly soaked with rain, as beams of light danced off the stones from the hanging lamp posts. A passerby bumped into him, causing him to lose his balance. Montegro threw a foot forward to catch himself, and looked up at the man in disgust. "Filthy city dwellers..."
Author Notes;
Sie, german for Sky
Mond, german for Moon
Gestalt, also german, pronounced Shtalt, or Shtult.
The first couple of chapters of the original story are posted at luner-lance.livejournal.com. Gestalt is a series I began writing a few years ago alongside a friend of mine who was writing another book. If you wish to understand the story a bit more, then check out the original stories chapters in livejournal. This series however, takes place before the original, and is written, for the most part, in Montegro's perspective. Keep reading and leave feedback. More chapters to come, and in longer portions. And yes, I am the writer of the original Gestalt series, just to be clear.
Crystals Of Winter, Chapter 1
A new series based in the 'Airship Gestalt' Universe. Takes place before the original story, and in a new characters perspective, for the most part.
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