• Chapter One

    Yesterday my parents told me that I had a wild imagination when I was little. I thought at first that they were kidding but when they show me the picture I drew, I couldn’t disagree. It was at lest three forty-five when I had left school the next day. When I got home my mom was hovering over the table, she was trying to get my little brother out from under the table. Yet I had no idea what was going to be in store for me later that night. Right before I went sleep I saw a light, it was so bright I couldn’t tell what it was. As I walked toward it got even brighter, then next thing I knew I was back in my old house.
    I was there watching a time in my childhood but I couldn’t tell what part of it was. I stared to think that I was hallucinating or something. I started walking around. I remembered the time when I gave dad a bloody nose he was so astonished at how strong I was. I remember how I loved to run with my Siberian husky Chichi but we had to leave her behind when we moved. I have been watching myself break things I didn’t know that I would have been that way. I think it has been an hour since I have been there I started looking for a way out. It was so hard for me to find the same light after a while.
    After a while I started to go up the old steps of the house. I remembered how the green house was a scary place for me when I was a little girl. It was my older brother made me scared of the green house! The only thing that made me see that the green house wasn’t a scary place was my dad. He told me that he would give me 200$ if I went into the green house. When I came out he told me that I was a brave little girl and that he would put the money on my bank account. The green house was on the fourth floor of the house. It was midnight when the light finally appeared at I was on my way.