• Chapter 2 Natures Magic

    Night was at its peak and all were asleep, all but Thorn who was pacing back and forth in the courtyard. “If this is true and Lun'Mara and Win'Co'Mo are back then so is the Darkness…Damn it will those elders hurry up!” Thorn thoughts roared.

    “We can hear your thoughts Cho’Thorn’La and we have been here for some time!” A deep voice boomed from the courtyard fire which burst with energy.

    “You have been spending much time with the elves and human I see. Your tongue is becoming more and more like theirs.” A female voice boomed from the fire. Out of it step a deer with a female humans head and chest and vines over its back.

    Her deer coat was soft brown with spackles of black up and down her spine. With skin a light tan, it almost blended into to the deer lower half. Still with her deep brown eyes and soft lips, the crown of white roses on her head was a sight that Thorn’s eyes were drawn too. It may have been only garland wraith with white roses attached by magic, but it radiated Dryad magic.

    “I’m sorry but I need to talk with you…Has the Darkness return?” Thorn asked with a bow of apologizes.

    “No the Darkness hasn’t returned…Yet, but the Guardians have, as you already know.” The deer replied as she walked around the fire bowl. Her voice was deep and filled with sounds of the forest. Upon each of her steps a purple spark of pure magic flashed.

    “Why have they returned?!” Thorn snapped, loosing this patience with the elders.

    “Temper, temper, Thorn and the reason the Guardians have returned is simply. Lun’Mara and Windra were born under that Guardian’s star. I must say I’m surprised I never thought I would live to see this come to be.” The deer explained almost laughing. “Well Thorn I can see you have some meditating to do so I will leave…Oh a warning all the Guardians have returned and they are sharing the body with the new Guardian so be careful.” The deer explained before she turned and walked to the fire.

    “Wait what do you mean new Guardian?” Thorn quickly asked before she could leave.

    “When a Guardian from the elemental plain dies he or she is reborn but with a different spirit, but the spirit of the previous guardian is also bound in the new body. So be careful the previous ones may take control of the new ones body. Good bye Thorn and remember we’re watching.” The deer explained with a slight snicker then vanished.

    He rubbed his temples. “Why is she always so vague?!” He barked to himself and walked into the temple and began to mediate at the island.

    Back in far left side of the temples many bedrooms Windra and Lun’Mara were sleeping in separate beds; each draped with in heavy green covers which were embroidered with the image of the Tree of Life on it. Windra sleeping calmly right arm draped over the side of the bed ready to grab his blade. Lun’Mara on the other hand was curled up on top of the silk bed cover purring. A few moments later the sound of metal clanging against metal echoed through the hall. Windra’s and Lun’Mara’s ears perked up at the sound, with one eye open Lun’Mara scanned the room; nothing was there.

    “Go back to bed it’s just a maiden wandering the hall.” Windra mumbled as he rolled over to sleepy to bother with a maiden.

    “Ok, night.” Lun’Mara replied as he curled back up.

    “Night Lun’Mara.” Windra mumbled then pasted out.

    Several hours later there was a knock at the door and then it creaked open. “Are you two awake because breakfast is ready?” A sweet voice chimed.

    “Yeah we’re awake just give us minute.” Lun’Mara yawn as he stretched. “Hmm, hey Windra what’s in the cloth wrapping?” He pointed the square cloth wrapped package next to Windra’s bag.

    “It’s nothing just a robe from my clan or that’s what the letter that was tied to it said.” Windra explained as he tied his sash.

    “Why haven’t you opened it?” Lun’Mara asked as he stepped towards it.

    “Memories are bound to the robe that I never want to feel, come on lets go get some food.” He replied as he packed it away and walked out of the room.

    Lun’Mara stood in awe at it Windra, he was so different. “Windra why are you so different then from my dreams?” Lun’Mara sighed then followed Windra to another room right next to the main hall.

    It was a dining hall with a kitchen attached to it. The dining hall was fair size, consisting of a long curved maple table in the far right corner with matching chairs. The table itself was lined with crystals and fresh fruit galore, engraved with vines and two crescent moons in the center. It was a grand piece of Elvin design.

    “Yes! Sage berries, coomor nuts, apples, grapes, aqua berries, wow this is the best breakfast I have ever seen!” Lun’Mara cheered as quickly took the nearest seat and began to munch on an apple.

    “Eat much.” Windra laughed as he took a seat next to him and popped a sage berry into his mouth.

    “Windra, why do you hide your emotions from everyone? I mean I care about you.” Lun’Mara asked blowing apple bits all over Windra.

    “Thanks you for the apple storm.” He replied as he cast a wave of wind over his body and sending the apple pieces out the nearest window.

    “Sorry about that…Anyway why do you hide your emotions?” Lun’Mara apologized, swallowed, and then asked Windra again.

    “When you have no family and wander the lands no one asks how you feel. Part of me wants to find my clan but that is easier said than done. Wolf clans keep to themselves and rarely talk to one other. If I go to the different clans asking questions about my birth, family, and clan they might think I’m a spy and kill me. Besides, I have a past that burns me to this day.” Windra explained, voice hollow, as he starred out the window to his right.

    “Haha you are so silly Windra you really must have your lost your memory.” The same cheerful voice from earlier laughed.

    “Huh, what’s a fairy doing here?” Lun’Mara asked aloud as he noticed a fairy was sitting the pile of apples. She was dressed in a teal robe and had deep green hair with brown eyes.

    “I live in these woods you silly cat demon, now about your clan Windra.” The fairy began; Windra quickly turned her. “Wolf clans are picky about who stays in the clan and who leaves the clan to find a mate. Out of a litter of six the strongest will leave the clan to find a mate, the rest will stay and protect the clan from threats. So I would say that you were chosen to find a mate Windra. By the way what clan did you come from?” The fairy explained to Windra then asked him where he came from.

    “The Wolves of Northern Winds, here I even had their sword.” Windra replied as he placed his sword on the table.

    The fairy fell silent at Windra’s words and the sight of his sword. “Oh a thousand pardons great Windra I didn’t know of your past. Please forgive and you may call me Cho’Linean.” She replied with a bow.

    “What are you doing?” Windra and Lun’Mara both asked starring at each other than to her.

    “The sword of the Northern Winds is only given to the holiest of warriors and mages of the clan and you being the reincarnation of Wind Guardian and you Lun’Mara being the new Earth Guardian it is no surprise that you were given the sword…” She paused. “Please excuse me.” Cho’Linean stuttered the bowed and flew off.

    Lun’Mara and Windra just starred at each other with confused face for a few moments the returned to eating.

    “Wait! Do you know where my clan lives? I want to return to them.” Windra boomed.

    ”It’s not my place to say, I’m sorry.” Cho’Linean boomed back.

    Their hearts sank at those words. Deep down Windra and Lun’Mara wanted to return to their clans but it seemed more and more impossible. The only locations they knew were that they are located in the land of DragonTane.

    “Well since that is cleared up will you wear that robe?” Lun’Mara laughed before eating a sage berry.

    “You won’t give up will you?” Windra replied in an annoyed tone.

    “Nope and you’re stuck with me.” Lun’Mara laughed even harder before he got up and went into the grand hall leaving Windra sighing.

    Back in the mystical forest, far from any human grasp, Corallan Drates placed another sliver of a piece of the Opal into place as Cho’Linean hovered over her shoulder.

    “Time is short, Linean, will they understand soon enough?’ Drates asked as she picked up a sliver of the emerald.

    “I can’t say my goddess. They connecting quickly, but what of the others? We are playing on thin ice…” She looked about. “She will growing closer and the…” She stopped.

    “All will be seen though.”

    Back at the temple of DragonTane…

    “A mate huh…I guess I love Lun’Mara but then again…Ah I need to think about this.” Windra thought to himself after several moments of silence. From that last thought Windra became lost in thought again, not aware of where he was going.

    “Windra?” A voice asked.

    “Windra?” The voice said again.

    “Windra wake up?!” The voice replied now annoyed.

    “Ok Windra you asked for this.” The voice said sweetly then a sharp pain rushed through Windra’s tail.

    “Damn it Sen’Gale what was that for!” Windra growled now back in reality.

    “Be happy that was a play bite and not a real bite, I heard everything that the fairy told you and I asked Thorn about it and according to him it’s all true. Lun’Mara and you are Guardians.” Sen’Gale explained almost at a loss for words.

    “I’m not sure what to say about all of this.”

    “I don’t know either maybe being with Lun’Mara will unlock these doors of mystery. Besides I have a meeting with the Dryads of this forest, they wish to share their knowledge with me.” Sen’Gale replied with a grin. “He’s in the courtyard!” Sen’Gale quickly replied before he ran off to the right side of temple and into the far end hallway.

    Windra just shook his head and wandered into the courtyard to find Lun’Mara in front of the steps leading to the grand door practicing his archery. He knows the stanzas and control the arrow like it was part of himself. Not wanting to interrupt Windra took a seat on the top of the stairs and watched Lun’Mara practice. Unaware of Windra, Lun’Mara practiced his shots. He could strike the same arrow again and again. One technique in particular was his ability to make the arrow vanish until it struck its target.