• Chapter I
    "Hey Slits! Wait up honey!" Matt Wolfe (who I prefer to call Fido and you'll see why in a minute.) said, running down the hall. His wide and muscular body wedged other students to the walls and into their lockers. I ignored him and kept walking. I wondered where Beth was.
    Oh, and if you're wondering why Fido calls me Slits, it's because in seventh grade there was a rumor going around that I slit my wrists. I only cut my arms but everyone knew so they all called me Slits. All except my best friend Beth. Beth has been there before so she's nice about it. I don't cut myself any more. I stopped in ninth grade. Beth had it lucky, though. She moved here in eighth grade and she cut herself in sixth and seventh grade. Only the principal knows about it and he keeps his mouth shut. I know to, don't get me wrong. I just figured since I'm her best friend and I'm telling you all this, most of you would have the common sense to know that I knew.
    "Baby please! What kind of a girl wouldn't want to date the captain of the football team? I know you wear black and listen to creepy music but we can work past that Slits! I love you, honey! Whether you slit your wrists or not!" Fido begged and got down on his knees and began weeping so unbelievably you would wonder why the teachers and coaches always believe his foolish lies.
    "First, there's a name for my kind and it's called Goth. Not creepy, scary people. Second, I hate you. Third, I do NOT slit my wrists any more and I never did. Fourth, my name is Natalie. And lastly, GET THE HECK AWAY!!!!!!!" I screamed at him. I swear, if he wasn't going to move out of my way and leave me alone, I was going to kick him. Hard. I've had problems with boys in the past so I have a reason for wearing combat boots.
    "Fine I'll call you tonight, princess," he smiled and kissed me on the cheek. He turned left and skipped merrily down the hall. I ran
    my pale hand down my face multiple times to try to get Fido germs off me.
    I turned the opposite way and took off in a sprint once I realized that I was probably going to be late for the bus.
    My face was pouring in sweat as I stepped on the bus and took my seat in the back next to Beth. "Sorry," I said, setting my stuff
    down next to me. "Fido proposed to me."
    "No kidding. I swear he's stalking you. I mean you're beautiful. You're a senior in high school, you've got you're whole life ahead of you. Plus not to mention you're looks. You've got long silky smooth black hair, cool fashion sense, pale skin, black nails, and you're tall and skinny. And you're really fun to hang out with. I can never be as cool as you. I'm not even Goth. I'm sort of caught in-between Normie and Goth. I'm an outsider on both ends of the social ladder," Beth said. She was always the optimistic one.
    "Thanks for complementing me on all that stuff and I'm pretty sure Fido doesn't see half those things."
    "Remind me why you call him Fido again?" she said, her sentence turning into a question.
    "It's because he's like a humongous dog." I said in repulsiveness. "Him and his friends are just a bunch of sweaty guys running after a ball like dogs after a stick. So Fido seemed like a fitting name, especially since he calls me Slits." I said making a face at the terrible nickname I've had for years.
    "Yeah you're right it does fit. And it puts a whole new thought to football thing once you think about it. But I swear he's stalking you just to make you mad."
    "Probably. I've thought about that before. That's why tomorrow I'm going to stalk him," I said and then laughing like a mad scientist. ^w^