• The young girl wandered happily through the forest, admiring the trees and animals as she did every afternoon. She smiled brightly, her deep blue eyes glimmering in th sunlight that peeked through the trees. She pushed some of her light brown hair behind her ears as a breeze blew gently onto her face. 'Today is a beautiful day,' she thought as she sat down next the river and took a nap.


    When the girl opened her eyes, the sun had already started to set behind the snow mountains. She smiled as she watched it with comfort. As the dark night's blanket finally painted the night sky, she stood up and began to head home.
    "Look what we have here. A little human girl to feast upon tonight." called eerie voices from the trees. The girl stopped and looked up into the trees. She saw the Treemeaters. They were nasty demons that feasted upon the flesh of humans. They were ugly gargoyle-like creatures with long sabertooth fangs and eight legs like spiders.
    The leader of them scrambled down the tree and stood in front of the girl, licking his lips. She glowered at him. He was disgusting with a horrid smell to his rotting stone colored flesh. His yellow, pupilless eyes smiled at her as her licked the side of her face. "Tastes delicious," he said in a shrill croaking voice.
    She stumbbled backwards, wipping the slimey saliva from her face. "Keep away from me," she said sternly. Suddenly, the herd of them scrambbled to her and started to bite at her flesh with their sharp teeth. She screamed in pain and kicked and threw punches, trying to get away. Then a howl of a wolf sounded through the forest. Everything stopped and Treesmeaters looked around, as if they were afraid.
    The howl erupted again and a white wolf appeared from the trees, it's eyes glowing in the moonlight. "Oh no...it's Fang!" they screeched, trying to get away as the wolf soared over to them and it's powerful jaws came down on the Treemeaters neck. They screeched and bellowed out in pain.
    The girl limped over to a tall oak, resting against it watched the wolf as it devoured three Treemeaters. As she slowly sunk to the ground in disomfort, the wolf padded over and lay beside her, lapping up the blood from her wounds. She smiled at how gentle the wolf was. She raised her hand weakly and stroked the head of the handsome creature. "You are so kind," she whispered, gasping as the wolf's tounge lapped up her largest wound.
    When the wolf stopped lapping up her wound, she turned her gaze up as the wolf's figure transformed into a man's figure. Her eyes became wide as the silver haired man turned back to her and scooped her up into his arms. "You're....you're Silver Fang! The wolf of the mountains." she gasped as she starred into his eyes. He smiled and nodded, kissing her forehead lightly.
    "You're coming with me. You need to heal up a bit before I let you go back." he said smiled, bounding off with her in his arms into the night.