• Isaac slowly acended the steps in the tallest tower of the castle, his eyes were set straight ahead, and he was breathing heavily. The second he hit the door, it swung open and hit the wall with a resounding boom. His little collection of small animals cringed as the door hit the wall. Isaac strode in, grinding his teeth with anger. "Why didn't I see this coming?!" He screamed at the air, almost shaking the keep with his anger. He punched the wall, breaking a hole in the stone. Looking at his bloodied hand, Isaac laughed, balling his fist again. After punching another hole in the wall, he walked into the only other room in the dreary tower standing at six hundred feet. The room was pitch black, except for the small lumenecent light emenating from a five foot tall pedestal in the center of the room. Striding right up to the protrusion, he removed the velvet covering, bathing the room in an almost white glow. A lone orb sat on the pedestal, shining like a miniature sun, and pulsing like a heart beating. Isaac lifted the orb in his arms, careful not to drop the large thing, he opened a trap door that led into the darkness of the dungeons. Decending with an orb almost as large as your arm length is arduas work, and Isaac's back began to burn as he stepped deeper into the depths of the castle. Cobwebs covered the walls of the thin passageway, shining like stars in the glow of the orb. He descended for ten minutes, passing cells of some forgotten moster, it's skinnless arms still reaching out in agony. Isaac passed them without a second glance. One of the beasts was still alive, barely, and it stood and moaned as the warlock passed it's cell. When the light was gone, it groaned and sat back again, giving into fate. Isaac began to laugh as the monster sighed, enjoying it's pain immesely. No human had ever seen these monsters before. They were known as Hungers, beasts bred for one purpose, to hunt and kill vampires. Feeding on the essence of a vampire's life force, they slowly grew stronger as their opponents grew weaker. By the time the vampire had known to run, it had not the strength to turn, and the Hunger killed it as it saw fit. This particular Hunger had killed many a vampire in it's time, and it refused to give into death, feeling it's purpose wasn't quite done yet. Isle after isle of dead or half-dead Hungers Isaac walked through, carrying his orb in his arms, most of the monsters cringed and pulled away from the light, but some were facinated by it, and they reached with clawlike hands, brushing the orb, then jumping back with a yelp as it burned them. Isaac walked deeper into the dungeons, soon finding a lone cell that was as large as a house. As he looked in, he pulled back when a drop of blood was taken from his cheek, a large, hulking monster appeared just inside the cell, it smiled, and licked the blood from its clawed finger. It stood seven feet tall, and horns covered its head in an infernal curl that looked as if it could gore a werewolf. Dirty yellow teeth filled its jaw, and its eyes burned red like fire, staring at the warlock that stood below it. Isaac smiled as the monster licked his blood, and began to speak to it, " Hello, IT. I see you haven't died like most of my other 'pets'" IT rumbled deep in his throat, "That's because you can't kill a demon, warlock, I don't see how keeping me here helps you in the slightest." Smiling, Isaac produced a key, dangling from the tip of his finger. "I'm going to let you out, on one condition." Smiling even wider, Isaac stared back, his gray eyes rock solid in the dark. " You must do a service for me-" He began, but was cut off by a loud, rumbling laugh. IT threw back his head and laughed, "You expect me to help you, whelp? You couldn't even touch me when we fought. I came in here because of a trick." Now it was Isaac's turn to laugh, he almost bellowed. "That was a really stupid move, IT. Now you have to help me, or you never get out." IT jumped forward, rattling the bars of his prison and shaking the ground below his feet. "Do not mock me, warlock, lest you bite off more than you can chew." Isaac jumped back with a yelp, his eyes faltered for just an instant, but that was all IT needed. IT snatched the keys away from him, and unlocking the door, was gone in less than a second. Isaac swore, and, lifting his orb again, he heaved it into the cell, holding the door open with his strongest spell. Placing his hands on the clear surface, he began to chant in the magic language, calling all of his energy into the orb, looking for just one surviving witch. He searched Solesthiem, and, finding one, examined her picture in the orb's flawless surface. "Too old." He muttered, and searched the only side of Sol that had not been infected. A very powerful aura rose from the city of Leyawiin, and he found one witch, one uninfected and young. He stared at her, and marveled at her power, "So strong, so young." He muttered, and placed his hand over his mouth when she turned her head towards him. Seeing a vampire, and what appeared to be a werewolf in the orb as well, he began to formulate a plan, one that could not, would not fail. He continued to marvel at the sight of the young witch, she couldn't be any older than seventeen, yet, she was beautiful for her age. Unable to stop himself, Isaac just sat and stared at the scene, seeing a new threat in the glass of the orb. Another vampire, and a human. Swearing again, Isaac changed his plan, encompasing this entire party in a close knit trap. Planning like he had never planned before, Isaac finally decided on one course of action. After he was sure it would work, the crystal surface of the orb had begun to melt, heat was escaping from the holes in the orb, and its picture was fading. Isaac let it melt, he could make another one. As the light began to falter inside the orb, he stood and walked out of the cell, ready to set his plan in motion. As he began to ascend the stairs, the door slammed behind him, leaving the orb to melt into darkness.