• wow. i found out i was this crazed vampire one day. i couldnt help but run away. run away from all that was bad, it was all happening way to fast, to much for me to handle in a day or even a year. i have never really believed in myths before. not until now. maybe this was one of those nightmares that seem so realistic. no, this way real, and running away wouldn't solve all of my problems. only fighting them will.this is what i thought over for 2 straight weeks or was it days. well, i can't remember anything that happened that one night. i was to freaked out and felt like no one would ever inderstand what i possibly could be going through. all i can remember was that strange sentence spoke by one for another. it doesn't make sense to me, believe what i hear and not what i see. what i see is this strange pale white girl, pitch black eyes, in a blood red dress staring back at me in the mirror. i was beautiful for any human to see look at, all i could see was a messed up young women looking for love. i didn't think i could find anyone who could take in what i am, and forever will be damned with. This was that kind of day that you should think it was a good day, to me it was just another day i have to live through like this. Messed up and only loved by my own kind, but not the one i would want to be loved by. As i started to jump from my window, i didn't want to look back at the house that i might never see again. If this was the end to my existence then i have to see that one guy, the one who i want to be with forever who understood what it was like to be living in a world that shouldn't even exist. But theres a catch there is always a catch, we are not meant to be. Most stories would end in a happy ending, this one isn't like that. No one is happy only if this ends up with us messed up, were not supose to be near each other. I have to tell him, i have to see his happy and familar face. His friend won't be too happy if he see me,but its worth it. As i sniffed the air for his familar scent, i could see that this might be the end to ever smell the scent i loved. As i headed toward the forest i knew that my king would be waiting for me in my kingdom, which i would never see again. I was thinking the best way to die was right away, so i can't feel a thing, and won't be able to change my messed up mind. i hadn't told my parents about this, hopfully they won't be looking for me. The best was to die was by my enemies the flaring warewolves. They could kill me in a flash, all i had to do was find a couple of them hunting or whatevah they do. I am going to be happy after i knew that they exist to stop us from hurting the planet, the fearful people from us. I will never look back and never have to worry about anything that is wrong in my life. I am known to love all the wrongs things