• Chapter 4
    tab Eliy watches the disappearing town, with nostalgia filling her heart. She was about to leave her home for good. Even if it was not the best place -- it was still her home.
    tab “I’m sorry”
    tab “What?” she looks up at Henry behind her.
    tab “You probably had family there.”
    tab “Yes.”
    tab “I see…I can still take you back if you want.”
    tab “No…it is alright.” She may be leaving home, but something made her feel more comfortable here than she ever felt back home. She let out a vast yawn, her eyes becoming heavy.
    tab “It is still a long ride to the next town.”
    tab “I know.” Her eyes begin to droop. She lays her head back against Henry’s chest, as her vision becomes blurred. She hears softly whispered words in her ear as she falls into a deep slumber.
    tab “Have sweet dreams…my princess.”

    tab tab tab tab * * *

    tab Eliy stands in the middle of a field of flowers, with the sun shining brightly everywhere she looks. She is draped in lavish fabric; similar to that a princess might wear.
    tab “Why am I dressed as a princess? Princess? Why does that sound familiar?” She hears the sound of footsteps approaching behind her.
    tab “Henry?” she turns around to look at the person advancing towards her. It is not Henry, as she hoped. Instead this person is shrouded in darkness, has golden hair, and glowing blue eyes -- Edward. “Edward, what are you doing here?”
    tab “I came to find you, my wife. To take you back with me. You have many people waiting for you” He reaches out a hand to grab Eliy.
    tab “Wait, no! I do not want to go back! Let go of me.”
    tab “I believe the girl told you to release her.” Says a voice advancing towards them.
    tab “Henry!” He takes Eliy’s hand and draws her close to him.
    tab “Now leave before I force you to.”
    tab “Fine take the girl, she means nothing to me.” he says before he disappears. Eliy turns to Henry and supports herself against him.
    tab “My prince.”
    tab “Here to serve you, princess.” He tilts his head downward. Their lips touch. Henry tightens his grip around Eliy and draws her closer.
    tab tab tab tab * * *

    tab Eliy opens her eyes to find herself in a strange room. She lies on a soft surface, a bed, and wrapped in blankets. She sits up and looks around her. She is in an unknown room; a small fire rests in a small alcove. A table with chairs is set up near the wall opposite the door. She lies on a small bed in the middle of the room. “Where am I?”
    tab “You are awake?” says Henry. Eliy looks over the side of the bed to find him resting on the floor.
    tab “Where are we?”
    tab “In an inn. I am sorry; I only had money enough for one room.”
    tab “I see. Why are you on the floor?”
    tab “There is only one bed, and how could I let a lady such as yourself sleep on this dirty floor.” Eliy suddenly remembered that time in her room. She was forced to sleep on the floor, while Edward claimed the whole bed. A new thought came to her mind, one that made her embarrassed.
    tab “Um, um, you know…you, you can sleep on the bed…I mean…it is kind of big…I don’t need all the space.”
    tab “Uh, no I couldn’t… I mean it’s not that I wouldn‘t want to… It’s just…I mean… it would certainly make you uncomfortable, I am sure.” Eliy remembered that time. It had certainly been unbearable, almost suffocating, and the distance then had been much less than this would be. But somehow she felt this would be different. Then there had been a wall between them, now Henry was the same distance away she had been…but she yearned to be closer now.
    tab “Uh…it’s ok… I do not mind…I mean it feels kind of lonely up here and it is really cold to be by myself.”
    tab “Al-alright.” He gets up and slides into the bed. Eliy, as nervous as she was, turns to face the opposite side. When Henry lifts up the sheets a gust of cold wind envelopes Eliy. She shivers and Henry wraps his arms around her.
    tab “I, I am sorry.” he begins to remove his arms. She quickly grabs his hand and brings it closer to her.
    tab “No. It is okay.” She quickly falls into a deep sleep, for this is the first time she has ever felt so safe, so warm, so happy to be where she is.