• Nightmare

    The sounds of pages fluttering have drowned out everything. I open my eyes but all I see is blackness… no light at all? What is this? “HELLO,’ I shouted but the words were muted by the sound of the pages. Slowly I feel around me looking for the book but its no where to be found. “HELLO,” I shout again this time the pages go quiet leaving me to be deafened by my own shouts echoing back at me. I recoil as the echoes newly found volume tares through my head like tissue paper.

    Then gently the sound of a woman crying grows louder but keeping right in hearing range. The sound of her sobs like whispers in my ear begin to bring me to tears. I know this sobbing, I have heard this before.” LORA” my voice shouts but my mouth is motionless. Carefully I listen to the my surroundings taking in the memories as they begin to paint the picture for me. I can see me crying amongst the blackness. “Lora,” the other me sobs as the woman’s crying continues.

    In front of the other me a book flutters freely through its pages. The pages fall open as the pages begin to glow. The space in front of the book begins to glow blue like the water did when I mended my broken leg. The seconds grow longer till each seems like a life time. Slowly the blue glows turn red then fade and along with them so does the picture and I am in blackness again with nothing but the sound of crying to keep me company.

    Then the sobs evaporate into the darkness as a wait grows in my arms. Here my vision returns but not to an image I would like to remember. There in my arms a young girl lies motionless. the face of my daughter cold and pale stairs back at me as I sob once more, ”Lora,” this time it’s a whisper as it leaves my throat. A tear creeps from the corner of my eye and drops to her lips. Gently I lean forward and kiss her forehead.

    A unseen mass then flies passed me at great speed causing me to fall to the side. A scream rings in my ears as the woman’s sobs turn in to pleas of mercy and shrieks of terror. An evil laugh echoes as I begin to scream. With this scream light floods my eyes and I find myself sitting upright on my bed roll, in a cold sweat. Morning has crept up on me in my sleep and left me to suffer for too long.