• The date is December 21, 2012. The spaceship, XD, was launch 2 month ago on October 21,2012. The spaceship was launch in space because there a meteor that is as big as Texas; and it is going right for Earth. The spaceship is 40,000 feet away from the beginning of Earth atmosphere, and the meteor is 210,000 feet away from the atmosphere and counting down.

    Amy: "Captain! We have to meteor in site."
    Captain Aizen: "Does it seem any different?"

    As Amy look in the scope, she could not help to notice "The meteor is geting closer AND!
    It seem to... have broken up?" said Amy.

    Captain Aizen: "What? Let me take a look."

    Aizen got up from his chair and quickly ran over to the scope like a Bee going to his nest.

    Aizen: "OMG! We have to tell N.A.S.A. about this!"

    As XD told command center, N.A.S.A quickly told Obama to launch missiles to the meteor or we are going to have a disaster. But it was to late. There was parts of the main meteor that was going ten times faster than it.

    As countless minutes pass by, the crew in the spaceship know that they can't do anything but watch as Dooms Day comes. The crew heard a knock on the left side of the ship where the gas tank was.

    Ichigo: "What was that?"
    Aizen: "Hexley, put on your space suit and go take a look."

    Hexley saunter to the door where the space suits hag. He open the door leading to a small, white, empty room. He closed the door behind him very tightly. Next, he push a button that open the second door that was right over Earth. The sun was shinning on the sea as if it was like a mirror. Hexley body slowly began to raisefrom the floor. He then on went out there to look at the gas tank.

    Hexley: "THE GAS TANK IS LEAKING!!!"

    He then quickly turn his head to the left and saw something he would never see again

    Hexley: "Oh My God."
    Aizen: "What is it?"
    Hexley: "A field of meteor are coming."
    Aizen: " We have to tell ---"
    Hexley: "No! That field is the sign that the end is near. There is nothing man can do about this."
    Aizen: "So what, we still need to tell Earth."
    Hexley: "Go ahead, the people on earth will start to go crazy,huh, is that want?"

    At that same time, a meteor had hit the glass of his helmet. The air had left his helmet. The cold from space had froze him to death. Also, A big meteor has hit back of the ship. Not hard to make it come off but to make the ship spin out of control. As the ship spin, the crew, Captain Aizen, Amy, Ichigo, had hit there head. But Aizen was still awake, though, Amy and Ichigo was dead and blood was everywhere.

    Before Aizen know it, the ship was just 20,000 feet away from Earth. The back of the ship had been tureen out because the force of the ship falling. Aizen was quickly pulled out at 19,000 feet. He looked quickly on top of Earth, seeing pieces of meteor falling from the sky. Out of the blue, an explosion had happen in the ocean. Of course, Aizen had been hit at the back of head, making blood falling all over the Earth.