• The moon was glistening has the unnerved Jeanie stretched herself along the dock. Standing nearby was her cousin Andrea. Both looked out at the calm rippling water. Thinking to herself, Jeanie unconsciously began to think about her ex boyfriend Mike. On how he had misused her feelings and thrown them out like they were trash. She hated him, even worse she despised him.
    Feeling like a fool she conveyed her feeling with her quiet cousin. Little did she know her cousin was behind the hideous things said between mike and her. Feeling played Jeanie crumpled to the floor in a heap of despair. Feeling the heat of her cousin’s hatred towards the beloved Mike, Andrea flung into a rage and sprung at the weeping Jeanie.
    Strangling the innocent, heartbroken Jeanie, Andrea pushed her off the dock into the cold breath taking water. The only thing to be seen was the bubbles of a gurgling victim and the distant sound of the pounding heart of the murderer.
    Nothing was ever going to be the same.