• "What are you -" Jaci started.
    "Shhhh-" Addie hissed. "I am trying to read!"
    "What kind of person reads at this time of day?" Nezu asked.
    "I cant' read!" Addie complained.
    "What are you reading?" Carrie asked.
    "Probably, PIGS A PLENTY, PIGS GALORE!" Jaci teased. " ' Cuz that's her family."
    "NO!" Addie was screaming furiously. "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!"
    Silence filled the room. Jaci, Nezu and Carrie didnt' dare bother Addie when she was reading HARRY POTTER books.
    "Oh noo!" Addie began to sob.
    "What's wrong?" everone frantically asked. Why had Addie cried so abruptly?
    "Cedric Diggory...V-v-VOldemort...AVADA KEDAVRA...DEATH!"
    "Ugh," Carrie said.
    "You dont' understand," Addie frowned. "Robert Pattingson plays Cedric Diggory!"
    "Noooo!" Jaci, Nezu, and even Carrie started to cry.
    Mimi and Deedee walked into the room and slowly backed out again.