• The surrounding darkness kept a tight yet strong hold on the small figure that lurked about, in search of something that many who carved power seeked. Gabriella strode through the cold darkness, almost fearless. She paused and looked about, trying to see through the enclosing darkness. Thump . Gabriella sat on the moist, moss-covered ground. Footsteps. They were getting louder, closer and more swift. Then came silence. The only sound within the mystifying area was the heavy breathing that came from the young girl.
    ‘Greetings, young princess,’ spoke a strong horrifying voice. Although it was dark, the creature that stood in front of Gabriella, found it quite easy to see her dumbfounded expression. With a small grunt, the stranger shouted, ‘The Prophecy!’ Their voice boomed out and into the night. Gabriella, still sitting on the ground, thought hard, trying to remember the prophecy. She suddenly gasped, realising what the stranger meant. ‘You don’t think that I…,’ she stopped, mid-sentence. The stranger rolled his eyes and mumbled something that Gabriella couldn’t quite hear but she knew it was unintelligent.
    Gathering all her courage, Gabriella asked, ‘ Who are you?’ Taking a step back, the stranger asked, sounding very shocked, ‘ Do you not know who I am?’ Gabriella let out a small laugh. ‘ If I knew who you were, then do you think I would be asking?’ she said mockingly. The stranger didn’t find Gabriella’s answer amusing but instead, held out their hand, palm facing upwards. A bright red orb of magic shone in the palm of this…creature, illuminating everything surrounding them. The stranger wore a black, hooded cloak that covered its face. ‘Just so you know young princess, I am Damien. What is your name dear child?’ Damien spoke in a strong, calm voice. Gabriella,
    her gaze firmly on Damien, slowly stood up. ‘My name…is Gabriella,’ she tried to sound calm but her voice refused, instead it quivered with anxiety. Damien smiled and offered the orb to Gabriella, causing its light to flicker like a candle.
    ‘Please, take it…Gabriella,’ his voice filled with distaste as he spoke the last word. Revealing her hands, Gabriella outstretched her arms, and like Damien, her palms faced upwards. Gently, very, gently, the orb was placed in Gabriella’s hands. Gabriella slowly moved her hands, and the orb, closer to her. Suddenly, what was once a shining orb of calm magic, was now a out of control, like a wild bush fire. A scream! It cam from Gabriella. The young child dropped what she held in her hands. Although it was magic, it fell to the ground, shattering like glass as it landed. Her eyes shining with fear, she asked, ‘ What…what just happened?’ Damien looked at the young child with somewhat sympathetic eyes. ‘ Let me enlighten you,’ replied Damien as he lead Gabriella through the newly lit darkness.
    As time passed on, Gabriella devoured more knowledge than ever. ‘Come now, we must leave this dreadful place,’ said Damien, taking Gabriella’s hand in his. In the blink of an eye, the both of them stood the throne room of a beautiful place. ‘Wow,’ breathed Gabriella. She couldn’t believe her eyes. The soft moonlight that beamed through the windows gave a mystious yet magical effect to the grand room.
    ‘Yang back! Yang back! Yay!’ said a small, fun filled voice that could be heard close by.
    A small white and brown creature came bounding through the double doors. ‘Yay!’ it cried as it jumped into the arms of Gabriella. The young girl giggled and looked at Damien. By now, he had already removed his black cloak and stood standing in snow white robes, trimmed with golden thread. ‘ This is Pumba (pronounced Poom-ba), he's only a hamster. There found in the mortal world,' replied Damien, answering the question that was on her mind.

    Pumba-User Image ((i didn't draw it but its close to the Pumba in my story))