• Sparkle sighed as tears ran down her face.Sweat beated down and it was getting into her eyes.She looked up...at the precious moonstone she held.If she dropped it it would fall in the blazing lava of a volcano.That is where she stood,motionless.She knew that the moonstone she held had been giving to her on her fourth birthday.She remembered it so clearly...

    "Hahahaha!!!"Sparkle giggled as Star shouted random things about boys to everyone at the party.Even the boys were laughing so hard tears were running down their faces."Present time!"called Sparkle's mom.She gave Sparkle the present.She opened it,and inside was a pendant with a beautiful moonstone."This will give you luck.",mom said and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

    And everyday after that she had amazing luck,She won every lottery and every raffle at school.She had great love luck too-she had a amazing way with the boys.

    Yet it all ends here...
    She sighed and dropped the pendant.She knew what would happen if she didn't.Her dark side would take complete control,and the world would be lost.She slowly walked away,her beautiful long black hair swaying from side to side,

    Later that day,she went to school.Computer class was cool,as most days.Today Mrs.Katil,the computer teacher,taught us how to create homework databases.Science class was a bummer as commonly,and then Gym.

    Today at gym is was basketball.She grinned,she was awesome at basketball.She went to the bathrooms to change.
    When Sparkle was gone,crisis and rumors started.
    Sparkle's enemy,Emili,started blabbing.
    "Did you know one day I saw Sparkle picking her nose?She ATE it too!!"the crowd gasped in ewwwws!

    "Um excuse me I HEARD that!"cried Sparkle!She hadn't even left the change room!Everyone backed away from her saying "Ew!Booger eater!"and other insults.She turned to Emili,and screamed.Her hair turned red,eyes turned white and black fire escaped from her!She rampaged all over the gym!
    Then she screamed again and fell to he ground,she got up and said "The darkness-it's still here!"

    What did she miss?