• I jammed my fingers into my ears to drown out my Mothers curses. I shifted uncomfortably under my thick comforter, it was hot but the blanket made me feel secure. Childish but the thought didn't cross my mind. My heart pounded with pure adrenaline when I heard the glass hit my bedroom door. I squeezed tighter into a ball letting the thick tears fall as they please, I didn't realize I was repeating it out loud, "please stop". I jumped at the sound of a knock, it was gentle and I still heard them fighting so I knew it wasn't my them. I threw the comforter off of me and rushed to the door pulling in my older sister. We hugged and she wiped my tears, it wasn't going to get better I wish she would just stop saying that. I let go of her and went back to my bed, she lay next to me. Eventually the chaos died down to occasional last minute insults, then to mumbles of how much she hates him and he hates her. I shifted towards the window letting the cool air play with my face. Finally it ended with his last words "I'm only with you for her." I'll never forget that feeling of being unwanted and a burden. Luckily my sister was asleep and didn't hear it, but she was old enough to leave and he said her, not them. My sister was never really home she was always out, she wasn't the her that fell so bitterly from my Fathers lips.