• a boy, and a village, seperated by a brick wall, a dense brick wall, but the wall has one hole in it, a hole wide enough to look through, but not go through, the boy watched the village, hoping one day he could go there, and not be alone anymore, but none of the villagers ever looked to that hole, but one day, a young girl, noticed the hole and walked over to it, she was going to tell the villagers, but she the saw the young boy, about her age, sleeping on the other side of the wall, she threw a stone and woke the boy, who was suprized, the girl laughed at his response, and asked him why he didnt climb through the hole to join them, the boy explained he couldnt, this saddned the girl, the boy was all alone, for who knows how long, the girl told the boy of the village, and the boy loved her stories, and so everyday, the boy and girl talked through that hole, and day after day ........ the hole grew a little smaller, the boy and girl talked, but they both knew deep in their hearts that this couldnt last, but they both wore a smile for one each other, but after a while, the hole started closing a little faster, and faster, and so the boy and girl figured that was their last day to see each other, so they met, both saddned by this, and trie everything to stop the hole from closing, but nothing worked, the boy and girl, tears streaming down their eyes, and the boy said something through his tears, he said "I LOVE YOU!" as loud as he could to the girl through the hole, and stuck his arm in the dense walls hole, not reaching far enough to get to the other side, the girl did the same, and they enlocked their hands together as the wall closed......... crushing and taking both their arms, but they had no regrets, they finally got to touch, feel, and embrace, even if it was just their hands, The boy, knowing no love or compassion and having it slowly shut out, and being returned to his isolation, and the girl, who lived in a village full of people, and noticed the boy no one else did, and meeting her best freind, and first love, and having it taken away, two loves never meant to be, and destined to be seperated, but their harts still longing for each other, both missing an arm, the reminder of their love, and the spot on the wall, still even today, still leaks their blood, but it leaks in the shape of a heart on both sides, the village side, the boys blood leaks, and in the isolated valley, the girls blood leaks, never changing in the face of time....... Becuase of their will to love each other.