• As I was on my way to that old hip hop studio that people thought was haunted, I normally don't do this but I thought about how I might die. Freaky right? I didn't know it but I was already there. As I opened the door, I thought about turning back and going home, but I knew that there were no such things as ghoasts, so I went in. It was pretty dark. I haven't been here since I was seven. All of the sudden, my past just went storming through my mind. I still remember when the studio set on fire, and when my best friend died in there. I was fourteen at the time. Now I was a twenty year-old-father of a two year old girl named Bonnie. She wasn't a mistake. I always wanted to have a child at a young age, and I love her. Her mother (my girlfriend slash my wife Hanna Beth) was at the hospital because of a sprained ankle. I hope she's okay. She's been in there for days. Anyway, getting back to the real point, I entered the maine dance room. This room still looks like its been in good shape. "Were the hell are they?", I asked myself, looking arond to see if one of my friends were there. I heard a voice crying for help. Well, more like a giving-birth-scream, but still. It was coming from the closet. I opened it to find that tape of Hanna Beth giving birth to Bonnie. "What the heck?", I mouthed to myself. Who got this tape? "Tsk tsk. Trace it's all your fault", a voice broke out. I turned around startled and saw one of the most dangerous vampires ever. JONATHAN. "My fault for what?", I asked frightened. He chuckled, "For putting her through this pain, you pretty much messed up your life with that girl Bonnie". He doesn't even know how much that hurt. "YOU TAKE THAT BACK! SHE WASN'T A MISTAKE, SHE NEVER WILL BE!", I yelled. He walked closer and closer and closer to me until he was so close he could almost kill a hamster between us. "Now now, there's no reason to yell", he said in a sweet voice that can't be true to believe. He pushed me against the wall, hard. To be continued....