• This is the first part of my story. I'll be posting more, so make sure you read in order!!
    [ c a r n i v e i l ]

    I gazed across the empty lot. Wait, the lot was empty, but not today. Now, a handful of tents dotted the dying grass and concrete slab that made up one of the few uninhabited plots of land in Dallas to house such an event. A travelling circus set up there overnight, and astonishment filled my brain as I looked at the handy work of whoever had pitched the tents so well in such a short amount of time. The performance, according to a poster hanging on a fence, wouldn’t take place until tonight at eight-the clock currently chimed six, but, nevertheless, quite a few people walked around, in and out of tents, to see the so called ‘psychics’ do their work. I sighed, and stepped into the slightly damp grass from a slight rainstorm early this morning. I pulled out my wallet to see how much cash actually resided in the pocket. I thumbed through the bills, and was amazed to find that I had $10 in there, which would probably be enough to do something.

    I looked at the signs in front of the classically coloured red and white striped tents. Games, concessions, and a ticket booth consisted of the tents in my immediate view, and other than the large performance tent, there really weren’t very many others. I saw a fortune telling tent over in the back corner, and I shrugged. It was either fortune telling or childish games, and I didn’t feel like going home just yet, so I made my way over to the small squat tent.

    When I pulled back the entrance ‘flap’ the interior looked nothing like I'd expected it to. Instead of weird trinkets and crystal balls set up on velvet covered tables, all that sat in the room were two chairs, a table, a TV, and a girl in a t-shirt and short shorts, who must have been the fortune teller, although she was only my age, 16, at the most. Her bare feet rested on the table, and she stared intently at the show on the TV, which seemed to be an old 80s show. It took her a second to realize I was there, and when she finally did, she switched of the TV, put her feet on the ground, and looked at me in one swift movement. As soon as her eyes met mine, however, they widened and glowed with a hazel luminosity. She smiled, and held out her hand.

    "I'm Dawn Fairchild," she said calmly, although the look in her eyes gave away her excitement, whatever she was excited about, "and I'm glad to finally meet you." I stared at her for a minute, unsure of how to respond.

    "I'm Skylar, and I'm glad to meet you too?" I introduced myself awkwardly.

    "We've all been waiting for you. You're going to love it at the mansion. We have a tennis court; you won't have to stop playing. And, you can bring your cat- he'll make plenty of friends with Hailey's strays, and-"

    "What are you talking about?" I asked. Creepy much? She knew I play tennis, and that I have a cat. She seriously had issues; how else could someone just guess that about me?

    She rolled her eyes. "You're going to join us," she stated, "and live with us at the mansion that we all live in. We're going to share a room, since I'm the only one without a roommate, and you're going to love it. I can't really see much else, smaller things are harder to see, but I see you trying to take on Aaron at tennis- he needs someone who'll play against him. So, what do you think? Will you join?"

    "Why would I want to join a circus?" This girl needed help.

    "I don't know why; we'll need Cecil for that sort of thing. Just join, okay? You can't avoid it. It WILL happen sooner or later. How about I get Oscar? He can tell you all about it. Maybe he'll convince you."

    "Look, I have no interest in joining a circus. I don't know why you want me to join so badly, and I don't see how you can actually 'see my future'. I don't want to join." This didn't make any sense, and I wanted the craziness to just go away, and give me the straight facts without the messed up psychic seeing your future stuff.

    "Because, Skylar, you have psychic abilities too. Just like I do, and everyone else in the circus. Now, I'm going to go get Oscar, and he'll tell you all about it. So please, wait right here." As soon as she'd left the tent, I rushed out of it as well, and hurried back to my old blue mustang.

    NOW GO READ CHAPTER 1!!!!!!! It's up on Gaia!