• "Ow, Jack it hurts", she said with much pain in her voice.
    "Just hang on a little longer, they'll be here soon", I said not knowing how much of that was true. I was all of it, all I knew was that if she gave up she would die.
    Please let them be here soon, i prayed inside, I didn't know who to. At the moment I didn't care. Where are they? If they're not here soon she'll die.
    "Jack, it's getting worse!"
    I looked to see her wound and she was right. All the skin around her wound had turn green and her leg had swollen two times its normal size. Her time was growing very short.
    Right then a flash came from the end of the hallway.They're here! A big smile spread across my face but I didn't want to rejoice too soon. I would celebrate when Marie was healed and walking again.
    Six figures started to approach us, I started to stand up but the one in front raised his hand to stop me so I knelt back down. He must have been the leader of the six, he was built bigger than the others and he was dressed in a gold cloak while the others were wore white.
    "She needs help. Her wound is getting worse by the seconds", I said not trying to hide the panic in my voice.
    "Don't worry, Jack,she'll be alright ", said the leader as he knelt down next to me.
    One of the others came and knelt down next to Marie; he whispered something to her.I couldn't make out what he had said but when he pulled back Marie nodded and closed her eyes.
    The man looked over Marie's leg and then he put his hands together and bent his head. A brilliant white light started glowing from his hands. I had never seen anything like it, I just stared at him in amazement. He placed both hands on the wound and then removed them. When his hands glowing, I looked at Marie's leg. It was completely healed, It appeared as if there hadn't even been a wound there at all.
    "How are you,Jack?" I had forgotten the leader was still beside. He startled me so much I nearly fell over.
    "I'm fine, only a couple of bruises", I said trying to sound okay but I was in a lot of pain. Not as much as Marie of course. The attack had left us both in bad shape.
    "You can never be too sure, let me have a look."
    I showed him my arms and my legs, he used the same method as the other man but instead of a white light, hi was red. I didn't even feel anything when he touch my skin. I didn't know exactly who they were but they were amazing.
    "Thank you", I said as his light started to go out.
    I looked up to see what his face look like, if he was even our kind, i couldn't see his face. Have was covered but his hood and what wasn't covered was a shadow. Who are they?
    "Do you feel better?" he asked us.
    Marie and I nodded.
    "Good, both of you have been running and fighting for so long. It's time you had some rest."
    Before I ask what he meant, two other men came and knelt down in front of us. Their hands started for our faces. I raised my hand in defense and looked at the leader. He gave me a reassuring nod that said everything would be alright. I put my hand back down and the man moved his hand over my face. After that everything looked fuzzy, then it went black.

    It must have been hours when i finally came to because the morning sun was just beginning to rise. I sat up from my somewhat comfortable position and looked around to see where I was.
    I didn't recognize it at all.
    Those men probably carried me and Marie here-
    I finally realized Marie wasn't with me. Where did those bastards take her?
    "Marie!" I yelled as I stood up around what seemed to be a cell."Marie!"
    I searched frantically but all I found was a bed with a set of clothes on it, a toilet, and a sink.
    Where is she?