• tab I'm, quite simply, perfect. At least, face deep. Perfect cheekbones, sparkly blue eyes, gorgeous complexion. But I wasn't born this way. It was a gift. Or a curse. depending on how you look at it.
    tab My birth was, well, not exactly wonderful. My father, when he first saw me, was disgusted. I was a lumpy, heavy, hideous little infant. my mother, the genius that she is, simply said, "She looks just like you, Howard. Perfect resemblance." That shut my dad up.
    tab My parents don't love each other, if you hadn't noticed. They don't even like each other. Really, they hate each other with a burning passion. My dad is a "business man" who always sees "the practical side" of life. In other words, he's a stick who cares only about himself and his wealth. My mom, on the other hand, is the sweetest and most intelligent person I know. Always able to make my dad look stupid, always able to show a brave face to the world. She is amazing.
    tab Back to how I became pretty. I was born, as you remember (I hope), very ugly. At around noon, in a big, ugly manor, my parents saw, for the first time, the face of their child. About three minutes later, a Person unknown knocked impatiently on their door.
    tab My dad yelled to the servants, "Don't let them in! I don't wish for anyone to see this monster of a child!!"
    tab " Bring them up," My mother calmly ordered.
    tab My mom isn't someone to be ignored. So up came a strange woman, one whom neither of my parents had ever met. Dressed in what appparently was peasant clothing (I only tell this to you from what my parents have always told me, so I give you the details they gave me). She asked, in a calm, respectful voice, for help. Apparently, her family was dying from starvation..
    tab My father yelled, quite rudely, "Never! I refuse to give my hard- earned money to some-" My mom cut him off.
    tab "We'd love to."
    tab My father, miser that he is, stared incredulously at my mom. How ever could she do something so terrible, so wasteful, as give money to the poor!? But it turns out that my mother's choice was a very good one. As you shall see.
    the lady thanked my mother profusely after she was handed a bag of gold. But, before she turned away to go give the money to her family, she asked to see the child. My father didn't want to let her see me, the monster. My mom did. So the lady took me into her arms, and stared at my dull brown eyes.
    tab "She has a sweet dispostion," The woman said to my parents, "I should like to give her a gift."
    tab My parents were definitely confused. What gift could a poor, starving woman give to their child? Then the lady started to glow. And suddenly, WHAM, gorgeous goddess standing in the bedroom. Sooo not what Mom and Dad expected.
    tab My mother bowed her head respectfully. My father.. well, he threw his arms around her feet and started praising her name. Well, we all expected that reaction from Daddy Suck-up, didn't we?? So lovely goddess lady stared at the ugly little baby in her arms, and said, in a resounding voice, "Be beautiful." So cliche, right?
    tab But it worked. I started morphing. My eyes changed color and became big and sparkly, red curls grew on my head, pretty features suddenly showing on my face. And then the Goddess was holding a red haired angel-baby. pretty cool, huh?
    tab So know I'm all grown up. Sixteen, beautiful, every man stares at me. Dream come true, eh? Well, we'll see about htat.