• Tuesday, July 7th
    Nerway Street Alley,Miami

    Miss Patricia Alexander ran as fast as she could down the alley. With an exspression on her face that said worry,scared,and pain,she hid behind a blue trash can.But that was all she could do.He would catch up with her at somepoint.
    "No.I will not let him take me," she said confidently.But that was just a wish,a mere example of never ending hope that would never ever come true.She then looked to the left,then right,as she crawled up as to run.But as she was about to run a cold hand grasped her mouth and neck. the man then lifted her up and carried her off into the night.


    " How did this happen.It wasnt like they walked into the ball and took her out," said Inspesctor Marshall
    "Well,she got mad at me right before the ball started because I forgot her birthday*blushes*,and then she took off running.I tried to stop her but she probrably ran into a stranger who happens to hate me and kidnap children,"said Mayor Alexander,Patricia's Mother.She turned around and sighed.
    "We will find her.It cant be that hard,"said Inspector Marshall.As he turned and walked out of the building,he whispered,"I hope."
    To be continued..............