• “This trip is going to be awesome!” Tai shouted as her beret slipped over her eyes again, “Gah! Stupid hat!” she exclaimed, pulling it back into place. “Why do you insist on wearing a hat two sizes too big for you anyway?” replied Jessica, stuffing her hands into her pockets, “I’ve known you for three years and I’ve never seen you without it. Hell, you even sleep with the damn thing on!” Tai pouted, crossing her arms, “Hey! I like it!” she replied. “Whatever, anyway, we so have to do something scary during the holiday, like visit a haunted house or a ghost town.” said Jessica, smiling. “Do we have to?” asked Tai, looking nervous. “Of course!” laughed Jessica, “It won’t be a proper holiday if we don’t, hey, I know! We’ll be staying near that town… whatchimacallit… you know, where they filmed Silent Hill…” “You mean Centralia?” commented Ethan quietly. “yeah that’s the one” smiled Jessica. “Well… I guess we could go” Tai said nervously. The three friends laughed and walked off to visit some stores before they had to disperse and go home.