• Its was another cold night on the ship the crimson bat , Akai stood at the helm staring at the ever closer shore. Soon she would be home, no not home. This was no longer her home when that monster came and destroyed every thing. This is why she is here now, because of that vampire, she was now the captain of a vessel of beast and ghouls. She traveled the world leaving chaos and tyranny where ever the ship might sail by. The crew of this ship was all monsters like her but they don’t have the morals that she set for herself. They were cut throats that loved to kill and frighten, every time they got close enough to land.

    Akai was not to set foot on land until she knew that when she did she would find that vampire that turned her not long after.
    “Captain….we are getting closer” came a gravely voice of her first mate wolf. It must be obvious why his name is wolf; she turned to him her crimson eyes shinning in the waning moon light. She nodded and told him that he was now captain and that he would have to take care of everyone. He looked shocked but nodded his head, he had known this was going to happen. He never thought it be so soon though.

    She told him to tell everyone good bye and she took off on outstretched bat wings. She flew closer and closer until she could see each individual house. The night was ending and before she could do anything this night she must find a safe place to hide from the sun. Another curse that monster put on her, never to feel the heat of the sun against her skin. She found a small barn that didn’t have that many holes and curled up under the hay. This was were she was going to wait the day out in this cramped space. She could feel the heat begin to rise and dug deeper into the hay, to escape the light. She closed her eyes knowing full well that she would not be able to sleep in this heat. It was already becoming annoying and the sun had only started to rise. Suddenly there was movement outside and the door of the barn was opened. The heat that rushed in almost made her yelp in pain but she kept it in, she would regret this later. The door was closed and some of the heat faded but there was still much more.

    “Sigh….why do I always have to do everything around here, it’s so boring” came a voice from above, there was pressure and now someone sat on her. She became outraged she might be a monster but she was powerful, she could rip this person apart. She bite back her anger, a trail of black blood trailing down her chin.

    to be continued maybe...