• The villagers all turned towards me slowly as if they were expecting something. I new my duty as a monster hunter was to hunt and kill any creature that attacked a human, but this creature managed to behead my friend and the thought of the same thing happening to me disgusted me. I then remembered his words, “The hunters must watch each other's back and remember...think always of the reward, not the danger”. I straightened up and said with a loud voice, “I shall hunt this creature and avenge my fellow hunter! It shall fall to my sword and my sword only! If it hides, I shall find it! If it runs, I shall catch it!”, and then, a bit more slowly and quietly, I said, “And if it kills me, I shall haunt it until it kills itself”. The crowd cheered loudly but only because they did not hear the last part. I turned and went home to get ready for the suicidal mission. I rummaged through my huge box, looking for items that could be of use. I found a few potions and 2 mega potions, “these could come in handy”, I quietly said to myself. I then found some paint balls and a psycho-serum for keeping track of the beast. I then thought about where I was going, the mountains, and thought that I should bring hot drinks to keep back the cold and some defrosting liquid that I found inside the lungs of a smaller, white raptor like creature called a Gaiaprey. When I was properly packed for the job I left the house to find that the body had been moved to the village elder to see if he knew what creature had killed him. I went over to them and the villagers, upon seeing me, parted to let me through to the elder. The old, miniature man was examining the scale with great care and stopped what he was doing when he saw me coming. He whispered with his croaky voice, “Kushala Daora”. The crowd gasped and I was now considering not going on this mission. Kushala Daora was an extremely strong dragon that was known of only because it's glimmering silver scales could be seen from very far away. The crowd looked at me expectingly again and I, regretting my vows, said, “Kushala Daora or not I shall hunt and kill the beast! It's carcass will be paraded through our streets and it's scales used as head ornaments!”, again the crowd cheered, but I did not feel as cheery and hopeful as the rest.