• Welcome to Freak2Freak discussion forum!

    HeadFreak1: Let's get this started, anyone who applies, feel free to speak up!

    HeadFreak1: Anyone out there?

    Deadmanwalking: Yo. I'm here. Is this forum what I think it is?

    HeadFreak1: Welcome Deadman, yes, this probably is. This is a place where you can feel free to talk about any abnormalities.

    FangBanger: What if your very existence is an abnormality? Does that count?

    HeadFreak1: Yes it does. Thanks for joining us Fang.

    FangBanger: Pleasure's mine.

    Deadmanwalking: Why should I trust you? Do you have any abnor-whatsits on 'ya?

    HeadFreak1: No. I'm I a major in psychology at New York State. I'm doing a project on how supernatural circumstances affect the mind, but you can trust me.

    FangBanger: New York State? I take some classes there; maybe I've seen you before.

    TailFin: Um... Am I too late to join?

    HeadFreak1: No, we where just starting. Great to see you TailFin.

    TailFin: Thanks, you too.

    Deadmanwalking: Why are you studying us? I thought this type of stuff is reserved to area 51 and crap.

    FangBanger: You'd be surprised; general knowledge of this type of stuff has gone up quite a bit in the last century.

    HeadFreak1: Exactly. But that's not what we're here to talk about. I want to hear about you guys.

    Deadmanwalking: Who will being seeing this study? Is there anyone else involved?

    HeadFreak1: Don't worry, all the information I gather will be in the abstract, the only thing they will know about you personally is your screen name. Totally confidential.

    FangBanger: Really guys, this nothing to freak out about. Just think of this as a appointment with a counselor.

    Deadmanwalking: Since when did you side with the shrink?

    FangBanger: Since it’s clearly pointless to argue, dead head.

    TailFin: What's a counselor?

    HeadFreak1: I won't pry, promise. You can say however much or little as you want.

    FangBanger: TailFin, a counselor is someone you talk to when you want to get something off your back.

    TailFin: Oh, I know what you’re talking about.

    Deadmanwalking: Alright, but don't expect much from me.

    HeadFreak1: I'll work with what I get. How 'bout we start off on what first comes to mind when you guys think of yourselves.

    TailFin: Swimming and fish.

    Deadmanwalking: I need air! Can’t…breath… -dies-

    FangBanger: Very funny, Deadman.

    HeadFreak1: Deadman, can't you just work with us?

    TailFin: Please? Just say something about yourself!

    Deadmanwalking: Fine. Dead but not.

    HeadFreak1: Thank you. FangBanger? What about you?

    FangBanger: Immortality is not what it's cracked up to be. It outright sucks, literally.

    Deadmanwalking: This is stupid. Who cares about this stuff, anyway?

    FangBanger: That bitter with what you are, huh?

    Deadmanwalking: Shut up.

    HeadFreak1: Calm down you two, the less you bicker the faster we can get through this.

    TailFin: It’s okay if you don’t want to talk that much Deadman, I understand.

    Deadmanwalking: Thanks TailFin.

    TailFin: Your Welcome!

    HeadFreak1: How about we talk about how you guys got the way you are?

    TailFin: I was born like this! Happy with it too!

    FangBanger: Classic “count woos pretty girl and lures her into his lair” scenario. Stupid Victorian London, I blame you for harboring so many leeches.

    Deadmanwalking: You, the pretty girl? Could have fooled me.

    FangBanger: I'm guessing your no Orlando Bloom yourself, either.

    TailFin: Deadman, what about you?

    Deadmanwalking: I was supposed to have died of cancer, but apparently that didn't work out too well.

    FangBanger: Are you bald? ‘Cause I’ve heard that Kemo does that to ‘ya.

    Deadmanwalking: No. They where trying out some other new method.

    HeadFreak1: Fang, I think that's beside the point. Deadman, perhaps it’s the new method that caused you to come back.

    Deadmanwalking: Wrong. They where doing it to a lot of people, and I think I would of heard by now if it was the medication that did it. Besides, I don’t have a pulse, so I’m not truly alive.

    FangBanger: I don’t have one either, but you don’t hear me complaining.

    Deadmanwalking: That’s because you know what’s wrong with you, moron.

    TailFin: No offense, but you guys’ sound a LOT like my brother and I when we’re fighting over the remote.

    HeadFreak1: Deadman, Fang, TailFin is right, you guys sound like siblings. Are you two related?

    Deadmanwalking: HELL NO!

    FangBanger: I resent that.

    TailFin: I think that was the wrong thing to say.

    HeadFreak1: It was just a guess, but back to the point. Deadman, do you remember anything happening before you passed away?

    Deadmanwalking: Not really, everything was sort of blurry the last couple hours in the hospital.

    HeadFreak1: A lot of things could have happened during that period of time Deadman. Anyone in the room during your last hours?

    TailFin: A witch could have slipped in and put a spell on you. I don't know about up on land, but where I’m from there are plenty of witches.

    Deadmanwalking: No, I’m pretty sure my mom and little sister where the only ones. The nurse was in the O.R. if I remember right, and my doctor was busy with another patient.

    FangBanger: I knew it. Your mom's the witch.

    Deadmanwalking: As if your one to talk, vixen.

    HeadFreak1: Dang, my class will be starting in a few minutes, how about we resume tonight at about 8:00, can you guys make it?

    TailFin: No problem here, my parents our out for the coral ball so I have the entire night to myself.

    Deadmanwalking: Well, it’s not like I have a curfew to worry about.

    FangBanger: I have nothing but time. By the way, HeadFreak1, do you think it's okay if I stop by your Psychology class sometime? I need to speak to the professor anyway so why not meet you in the process? Yours is the six ‘o clock, right?

    Deadmanwalking: Don't do it. She'll lure you down an alley a rip your throat out.

    HeadFreak1: Yeah, I’m in the six ‘o clock course. Just make sure not to drop in during a lecture!

    FangBanger: Don’t worry, I won’t.

    TailFin: Wait; is that 8:00 Atlantic or Pacific time?

    HeadFreak1: Atlantic.

    Deadmanwalking: I'm on the east coast, so I guess Atlantic.

    FangBanger: So am I, TailFin, what about you?

    TailFin: Atlantic, thank goodness. HeadFreak1, I'm guessing that you’re on the east coast too?

    HeadFreak1: Yup, so everyone going to make it?

    Deadmanwalking: Yeah, I'll talk to you then.

    HeadFreak1: Well, I'll make my leave then. See you guys soon, I hope.

    FangBanger: Bite 'ya later.

    TailFin: Goodbye!


    Daniel looked up from his battered old Dell laptop. What the heck have I gotten myself into?

    He carefully shut the computer and set it aside, sighing as he looked around the crumbling conditions of the room he was in. Ever since the scene at his funeral, he had fled to this old vacated apartment in the underbelly of New York City.

    There where holes in the floor. Water dripped in from the ceiling when it rained, no matter what floor you where on. There was no heating. No one wanted to come in here, it was so horrible.

    Therefore, it was perfect.

    From here he could watch all the comings and goings of the big city without being noticed himself. He didn’t want anyone to see his pallid features, his limp brown hair, or the seemingly uncomprehending eyes. He didn’t want them to see what type of creature he had become.

    It didn’t make sense, this stuff wasn’t supposed to happen in real life. People never came back from the grave unless they where a star-studded character in a horror film, and last time he checked, he wasn’t being paid 10,000+ an hour.

    He wanted answers, now.

    He glanced down at his watch, 5:56. He had plenty of time.

    Expect chapter two by sundown! smile biggrin xd xp whee 3nodding blaugh