• Have you ever been lost? Not just lost-my-mom-in-the-store lost but, truly utterly lost? Where you have no clue where you are or how you go there? I hope you never have, because that’s exactly what happened to me and it changed my life forever.

    I guess it started in the dark. Not just in the dark, alone in the pitch dark. That’s where I woke up, and where it all started. Everything before that was and is a blur. Completely forgotten other than random, fuzzy images that I could only hope to piece together to make some sense.

    It all happened so… well no fast, but at it’s own strange pace. Looking back on it now I just want to forget it. But I know I never will. Some things you never forget, they stay with you always. Many times those things are good, but sometimes something happens in your life that you wish never did, and it scars you. But that’s destiny I guess. Even the bad things that happen help shape you to who you are, probably more so than the good things that happen. I can’t go back in time, (though after all I’ve seen I don’t doubt it’s possible.)

    Maybe I can change the world- in any little way I can. Make sure that what happened to me never will again… to anyone.

    Because no one should have to face those horrors.