• Everything about Ryo Tannegashima's life was perfect. He had the perfect job, perfect house and perfect family. He could have anything he wanted with the snap of his fingers. He had earned his perfect lifestyle through hard work, perseverance, and using his special talent. Ryo had found his talent by playing poker and blackjack. You see he could kind of predict the cards that were being shown before they were shown. You might think he was a medium or sidekick but I wouldn't call him that. It was more like a very accurate intuition. Ryo had realized this ability and used it too become what he is now. The CEO of Microsoft. Of course he didn't just use his luck to become rich and famous. He studied hard so that he wouldn't depend on his intuition until it was an emergency. So most of the time he used his intelligence. So through many years of hard work he is what he is now. Do you want to know what is happening to him now? Right now he is hiding in the woods in his backyard with his family, hiding from a madman bent on Ryo and his family's destruction. If you're wondering how this happened, I'll tell you.
    It was three days ago. Ryo had just come home from a meeting with his company's shareholders. He was greeted lovingly by his wife, Hitomi, and two sons, Ryu and Ryoni.

    "Take off your coat sweetie, you've worked hard today, go relax. Dinner will be ready in a minute," said his wife Hitomi. Hitomi worked as a Secretary of Treasury for Apple, coincidently.

    "Alright honey," replied Ryo, taking off his coat and handing it to his wife. Then he headed for the couch. Ryo sat down, grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. His relaxation was interrupted by the sound of running footsteps. it was getting closer and closer and it sounded like it was coming from behind. Ryo turned around and saw his sons, Ryu and Ryoni just above him in the air about to pounce him. Ryo was about to react but was too late.

    "Yaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!," yelled Ryo's children as they landed on him.

    "OH!," Ryo groaned in pain for his kids landed on him with a powerful impact.

    "Gotcha Dad!," the kids chirped.

    "How many times do i have to tell you guys not to pounce your father after he just got home from work!," yelled Hitomi. She had heard the boys loud impact and rushed to see what was happening.

    "It's okay Hitomi really. The boys just want to have fun," Ryo said, defending his sons.

    "Okay. Just be careful or next your father is gonna end up in the hospital with the case of the flattened --- never mind," the kids' mother lectured, "Now wash up. Dinners ready."

    "Yes mother," the boys said solemnly,"Sorry Dad."

    "Oh, it's all right. No harm done really. Now do as your mother says or your gonna get an earful."

    15 min. later everyone was seated. Ryo said grace and started to eat. Just then the phone rang.

    "I'll get it," Ryo said, then stood up. Ryo picked up the phone. "Hello? This the Tannegashima residents how may we help you?" Ryo said in his casual voice.

    " You better keep your family safe 'cause I'm coming to get you," said the deep voice of a man. " Keep every door and window locked or i just might slip in and pay you a visit."

    "Who is this?" Ryo said with a quavering voice. Suddenly the phone is hung up.
    Ryo returns to the dining room.

    "Who was that, honey?" Hitomi wondered.

    "Oh nobody. Just some company who thinks he can buy Microsoft."

    "I see. Well then eat your dinner, it's getting cold."

    After dinner, Ryo headed up to his study, where he went to contemplate things on his mind. This time he was contemplating about the mysterious voice and the strange threat.

    to be continued

    Look for part two tomorrow. smile