• Once there we're two lovers that took a stroll in the park, they stopped and sat on a bench, she layed her head against his shoulder, he stroked her hair gently, and she smiled. The two looked at the sky watching the sunset when the clouds, suddenly rumbled they thought it'd been a regular stormed and stayed for the shower, til the earth shook hesitantly they looked around wondering with fear, the sky opened with a shining light it glared at them blinding slightly, she screamed feeling herself being pulled up into the air suddenly, he opened his eyes and leaped for her an got a grasp at her hand holding tightly yet she was only pulled up higher slowly the earth shook again and cracked open with fire and brimstone burning inside, hands grabbed the boys legs tightly pulling him back down, it strained them both from there pulling. She cried looking into his eyes saying "I don't wanna be apart from you" He looked back at her and shedded a tear and whispered "You'll never be apart from me, I love you and I always will no matter what happens to us" He smiled and let her go she screamed "No" as she took a float while the clouds closed he slowly sunk into the fire feeling the burn still smiling while looking into the cloudy embedding her image in his head and soon fell into the firey depths... Since then every valentines day the girl in the heavens would look down to hell for her lover as the boy in hell would look to the heavens for his.