• "God! I'm the last one to leave the school again, I always go home late" I think to myself as I slowly pack my things witha slight sigh. I walked out the classroom gazing out to the balcony, it is raning hard as usual, it always somehow slows me down, I suddenly heard footsteps coming towards me, it was a frshman boy from class six, his name was shiro, I couldn't ignore him and walk away, I liked him since I first moved to this school and I've been close with him as friends since childhood, we had a small conversation, he took my arms and pulled me then pushed me against the wall, I didn't know what to do, my heart was beating fast, I was thinking if I should scream for help or not, we both sat down calmly and he licked my neck, next thing I felt was a bite and sucking. I knew that he was a vampire, even before we even got to the point of being friends. I whispered to his ear "I've always wanted to tell you something, I Love You" I felt him loosing his mouth and he let go of me, his face was in shock with his mouth closing shut and my blood flowing from my neck, I glared at him with a smile and got unconcious. When I got back to conciousnes, I was in my room my neck was clean but the blood stains on my school uniform was still there. I heard the gentle knock on my door, "Yumi, get dressed, it's time for school", I got up and took a bath, got dressed and left for school, I ran into him again in the halls but he passed by me as if nothing happened.

    Later this evening, I was last to leave again, I ran into him just like yesterday, but he didn't even look my way. We both stopped as we heard a roar of a wild beast, he turned with his face alarmed, his eyes widened when he looked at me, as if there's somthing terrible behind me, I turned around and saw a woman with wet raggy clothes and gleaming yellow eyes with sharp fangs, like a wild vampire, I screamed and ran towards shiro, I suddenly ran out of balance and was caught into his arms, the woman was ready to attack, he pushed me to his back, and spread his arms out, as if he was protecting me.

    Then I woke up
    I hate half done dreams